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Department of 
Faculty of Crop Science

Vasileios Papasotiropoulos

Brief Curriculum Vitae

Professor at the Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Crop Science, Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Biometry.

He collaborates with students daily between 12:00 and 15:00 pm after prior arrangement (tel: 4622,

His office is in the Papadaki building, 1st floor, Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Biometry.


Breeding field crops

Hours per week: 5
Credits: 5
The aim of this course is the students become familiar with plant breeding methods […]

Biotechnology and Plant Breeding

Hours per week: 5
Credits: 5
This course will serve as a general introduction to the principles of plant breeding […]

Vegetable breeding/ Breeding for Resistance

Hours per week: 5
Credits: 5
Upon completion of the course, students will have learned and comprehended the plant defense […]

Agricultural Experimentation II

Hours per week: 5
Credits: 5
The course provides advanced knowledge about field experimental design and analysis of data.

Plant Breeding I

Hours per week: 5
Credits: 5

Research Programs


PlantUP program aims to develop cutting-edge infrastructures designed to exploit and maintain Greek biodiversity […]


Rootstock sub-optimal temperature tolerance determines transcriptomic responses after long-term root cooling in rootstocks and scions of grafted tomato plants

Multi-level characterization of eggplant accessions from Greek islands and the mainland contributes to the enhancement and conservation of this germplasm and reveals a large diversity and signatures of differentiation between both origins

Morphological, genetic and essential oil variation of Greek sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) populations from Greece

High Resolution Melting (HRM) Genotyping in the Genus Origanum: Molecular Identification and Discrimination for Authentication Purposes

Quality traits, volatile organic compounds, and expression of key flavor genes in strawberry genotypes over harvest period

Nutritional Value of Eggplant Cultivars and Association with Sequence Variation in Genes Coding for Major Phenolics

Crop Landraces and Indigenous Varieties: A Valuable Source of Genes for Plant Breeding

Vasileios Papasotiropoulos


The Faculty of Crop Science of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), was founded in June 1989 (Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic Νο. 166Α΄/16-6-1989) it is the first University Faculty of Crop Science founded in Greece
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