Department of
Statistical Data Analysis using Statistical Packages

Statistical Data Analysis using Statistical Packages


1) Statistical packages (how to use).
2) Brief overview of (a) the principles of statistical inference and (b) inference about means, proportions and variances (confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for a population mean, proportion or variance and for comparing two population means, proportions or variances; Analysis of variance and multiple comparisons tests ; Goodness-of-fit test; Chi-Square test of independence).
3) How to apply checks for method’s assumptions (tests for Normality, tests for comparing variances, normal probability plots, residuals plots, etc.).
4) Non-parametric tests (Sign test, Mann-Whitney test, Wilcoxon test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Friedman test, etc.).
5) Regression analysis (simple linear regression and correlation; multiple regression; logistic regression).
6) Diagnostic tools for checking the regression assumptions (residuals plots, etc.); data transformations.

Learning outcomes


1. Κούτρας, Μ. Β. και Ευαγγελάρας Χ., Ανάλυση Παλινδρόμησης-Θεωρία και Εφαρμογές, Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη, 2010.
2. Watt, T. A., McCleery, R. H. and Hart, T., Introduction to Statistics for Biology, Chapman and Hall/CRC, Third Edition, 2007.
3. Zar, J. H., Biostatistical Analysis, Prentice Hall, Fifth Edition, 2010.


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