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Department of 
Faculty of Crop Science

Weed Science


1. Weed biology 2. Weed ecology 3. Ecology of invasive and parasitic plants 4. Competition and allelopathy between weeds and crops 5. Weed management systems (preventive, mechanical, cultural) 6. Weed management systems (physical, thermal, biological, chemical) 7. The role of agronomic practices and cropping systems 8. Integrated weed management (IWM) 9. Agroecological weed management 10. Herbicides (groups, modes of action, selectivity) 11. Herbicides, plants and soil (metabolism, absorption, efficacy and selectivity, residual activity) 12. Formulation and sustainable use of herbicides 13. Herbicide resistance and its management

Learning results

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to basic knowledge of biology and ecology of weeds, invasive and parasitic plants. Particular emphasis is given on the principles of integrated weed management using cultural, biological, natural and chemical methods . In addition, the interactions of weeds with crops are studied (competition / allelopathy). Moreover, herbicides are presented (groups, mechanisms of action, selectivity, fate and behaviour in soil, movement in the plant, metabolism) and the advantages and disadvantages of chemical and non-chemical methods of weed control are also discussed. Special reference is made to the problem of herbicide resistant weeds (and methods of prevention and management) and to the ways of correct application of herbicides.


1. Travlos, I.S. and P.I. Kanatas (2022). Weed Science & Agronomy. Pedio books. 2. Eleftherohorinos (2009). Weed Science 3. Vasilakoglou (2011). Modern weed science International journals: Weed Science, Weed Research, Weed Technology


Associate Professor of Agronomy & Weed Science and Vice-President of the European Weed Research Society (2024-2026)


The Faculty of Crop Science of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), was founded in June 1989 (Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic Νο. 166Α΄/16-6-1989) it is the first University Faculty of Crop Science founded in Greece
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