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Department of 
Faculty of Crop Science

Plant Virology


Theory: Introduction to the science of Plant Virology. Basic concepts and definitions. Genome composition, structure and organization of plant viruses. Nomenclature and classification. Symptomatology of viral diseases. Mechanisms of movement of viruses in host plants. Reproduction (replication) and expression of viral genomes. Diagnostics and detection and identification methods (in vitro properties, bioassays, electron microscopy, serological and molecular methods). Modes of transmission of plant viruses (mechanical, vectors, propagation material, others) and epidemiology of viral diseases. Viral disease control strategies: phytosanitary measures, epidemiological management, vector control, induced/ systemic acquired resistance, cross-protection, resistant varieties, transgenic resistance. Production and certification of healthy/virus-tested propagation material. Pathogens that cause diseases similar to viral ones (viroids, phytoplasmas): diseases they cause, epidemiology and management. Laboratory: Basic concepts of diagnosis of plant virus diseases. Symptoms of plant viruses. Symptoms of agents that cause similar symptoms. Methods of detection and identification of plant viruses: bioassays, serological (ELISA) and molecular (PCR) tests. Plant virus transmission tests (bioassays, vector tests).

Learning results

After successful completion of the course (theory and laboratory), students should possess the modern scientific knowledge regarding viruses as distinct plant pathogens, their interaction with plants and their potential vectors, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of viral related plant diseases.
Also, students should be able to keep up-to-date on cutting-edge topics related to plant viruses and plant virus diseases.
The learning outcomes of the course are:
(a) Knowledge - Understanding:

  • basic concepts and terminology of the science of Plant Virology
  • the characteristics of plant viruses and their differentiation from other biotic and abiotic causal agents of plant diseases
  • modern methods of detection and identification of plant viruses
  • the process of diagnosis of viral related diseases
  • the transmission of plant viruses and related pathogens and the epidemiology and field spread of the diseases they cause
  • the basic strategies and specific measures to deal with viral and related plant diseases
  • the principles of production of certified propagating material

(b) Practical skills in applying the main methods of identification of plant viruses.
(c) Development of the ability to distinguish the symptoms of viral diseases from other transmissible and non- transmissible plant diseases and to perform a correct diagnosis.
(d) Development of the capacity to design programs for the integrated management of virus and related plant diseases of different epidemiology.


• Comparative Plant Virology (R. Hull, 2009. Published Elsevier/Academic Press) • Practical Plant Virology: Protocols and Exercises (J. Dijkstra, & C. de Jager, 1998. Springer) • Katis, ΝΙ. 2000. Plant Virology. Pegasus Eds, Thessaloniki (In Greek) • Laboratory Exercises of Plant Virology. Members of the Plant Pathology Laboratories of Agricultural University of Athens and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (In Greek)


Associate Professor of Plant Pathology-Virology. She is a expert of the Plant Health Panel […]


The Faculty of Crop Science of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), was founded in June 1989 (Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic Νο. 166Α΄/16-6-1989) it is the first University Faculty of Crop Science founded in Greece
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