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Department of 
Faculty of Crop Science

General Viticulture


i. INTRODUCTION Origin of the vine – Viticulture in the Greek antiquity- The contribution of the vine to the aesthetics of the rural landscape and the protection of the environment - Viticulture in Greece and the world - Productive grapevine varieties - Cultivated areas and production of viticultural products - Viticultural products - Problems and perspectives of the Greek vineyard. ii. MORPHOLOGY AND ANATOMY OF THE VINE Root-Shoot-Leaves-Helixes-Inflorescence-Flower-Bunch-Berry-Seed (Origin - Distinction - Role-Morphology-Anatomy) Grapevine buds - Shoot buds - Apical bud - Side buds- Cane buds (Anatomy-Fertility-Distinction and evaluation of latent vine buds) iii. ANNUAL VEGETATION CYCLE Introduction - Grapevine budbreak (Phenology-Break of the latent buds of the vine-Break of the lateral and latent buds of the shoot) - Shoot Growth - Differentiation of the shoots - Leaf fall. iv. VINEYARD MANAGEMENT Soil cultivation - Weed control - Fertilization - Irrigation - Harvest - Harvesting methods. v. PRUNING OF THE VINE Introduction-Pruning and training systems of the vines-Physical characteristics of the canopy Training systems and Selection Criteria-Methodology and techniques of training in the various systems- Fruit pruning-Effect of pruning on the budbreak and fruiting of the vines- Guidance and pruning principles - Fruit pruning systems and selection criteria - Season of execution of winter fruiting pruning-Training and trellis systems and fruiting pruning of the Greek vineyard.

Learning results

The objective of the course is to introduce students to the basic functions of the grape vine and their morphological and physiological basis, to the basic cultivation techniques which are used in a productive vineyard, as well as to the importance of the cultivation of the vine for the crop production.

The course aims to introduce students to the methodology used both in the installation and management of a modern productive vineyard, as well as to the viticultural techniques regarding the training, fruiting and the annual vegetation cycle of the vines.

Upon the successful completion of the course (theory and laboratory part of the course), students will have (Descriptive indicators for Level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning):

  • Understood the morphology and anatomy of the various organs of the vine and their utilization in productive viticulture.
  • Understood the annual vegetation cycle, the phenological stages and their physiological basis
  • Understood how a vineyard can be managed.
  • Understood the importance of pruning, training and fruiting of the vines and their utilization in the viticultural practice.

The course is offered to the students of:

  • 5th semester of the Department of Crop Science (compulsory)
  • 3rd semester of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (optional)
  • 3rd semester of the Department of Biotechnology (optional)
  • 7th semester of the Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development (optional)
  • 9th semester of the Department of Natural Resources Management & Agricultural Engineering (optional)


Viticulture 2019. Μ.Ν.Stavrakakis. Embryo Publications.


(+30) 210 5294632
Associate Professor of Viticulture and Head of the Laboratory of Viticulture of the Department […]
(+30) 210 5294636
Special, administrative, technical and teaching staff of the Laboratory of Viticulture, Department of Crop […]
(+30) 210 5294631
Assistant Professor of Viticulture, of the Department of Crop Science of the Agricultural University […]


The Faculty of Crop Science of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), was founded in June 1989 (Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic Νο. 166Α΄/16-6-1989) it is the first University Faculty of Crop Science founded in Greece
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