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Department of 
Faculty of Crop Science

General Microbiology


THEORY: Introduction to Microbiology - History of Microbiological Discoveries - Cellular Structure and Evolutionary History - Microbial Diversity - Chemical Bonds and Water Molecules in Biological Systems - Macromolecules - Cellular Structure and Function (Morphology, Microscopy, Membranes and Cell Walls, Motility, Surface Structures, and Prokaryotic Inclusions) - Nutrition and Laboratory Cultivation of Microorganisms - Microbial Growth (Theory and Practice, Environmental Effects) - Introduction to Virology - Bacterial Genetics - Bacterial Systematics - The Archaea (Phylogeny and General Metabolism, Systematics) - Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell and Eukaryotic Microorganisms - Fungi: Morphology, Reproduction, Classification. LAB: Basic Laboratory Techniques in Microbiology / Isolation, Cultivation, and Microscopic Observation of Microorganisms - Bacteria (Gram Staining, Microscopic Observation of Morphology) - Microalgae and Mucoromycetes (Asexual and Sexual Reproduction) - Ascomycetes (Asexual Reproduction) and Unicellular Fungi (Yeasts) - Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes (Sexual Reproduction).

Learning results




The Faculty of Crop Science of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), was founded in June 1989 (Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic Νο. 166Α΄/16-6-1989) it is the first University Faculty of Crop Science founded in Greece
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