Department of 
Faculty of Crop Science



1) Statistical approach: a brief overview.
2) Useful counting rules.
3) Practical notion of probability; basic probability tools.
4) Conditional probability; Independence.
5) Random variables.
6) Useful discrete distributions (Bernoulli; Binomial; Poisson).
7) Useful continuous distributions (Normal; t and F).
8) Central limit theorem.
9) The role of probability in statistics.
10) Descriptive statistics.
11) Sampling distributions.
12) Estimation; point estimation (properties of an estimator); interval estimation;
13) Testing hypotheses for a (difference of) population mean (s) or proportion (s));
14) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
15) Regression and Correlation Analysis – Simple Linear Model.
16) Goodness-of-fit test; Chi-Square test of independence.

Learning results

Upon completion of this course, the student is expected to be able to:

  • distinguish stochastic and deterministic phenomena and experiments
  • using enumeration methods and basic probability tools
  • apply simple probability calculus
  • recognize the practical value and importance of probabilities in the understanding of stochastic phenomena and experiments
  • describe and summarize data
  •  translate a research question into a statistical hypothesis  when given a data group and the type of experimental design or sampling procedure
  • apply estimation and testing methods  in order to make data-based decisions
  • identify the selected method’s assumptions  and keep in mind that it is required to apply checks for them
  • comprehend and interpret correctly the statistical significance
  • interpret results correctly, effectively, and in context without relying on statistical jargon
  • comprehend the notion of uncertainty which is always contained in statistical inference
  • critique data-based claims and evaluate data-based decisions
  • complete a research project that employs simple statistical inference
  • comply to ethical issues


1. Εισαγωγή στις Πιθανότητες και τη Στατιστική, Γ. Κ. Παπαδόπουλος, Εκδόσεις Gutenberg (Γ. Δαρδανός-Κ. Δαρδανός O.E.), Αθήνα, 2015
2. Εισαγωγή στη Στατιστική, των Σ. Κουνιά, Φ. Κολυβά-Μαχαίρα, Κ. Μπαγιάτη και Ε. Μπόρα-Σέντα, Εκδόσεις Χριστοδουλίδη, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2001
3. Biostatistical Analysis, Zar, J.H., Prentice Hall, 1999


Dr. G. Papadopoulos is Professor of Applied Statistics, Applied Probability and Analysis of Experiments […]


The Faculty of Crop Science of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), was founded in June 1989 (Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic Νο. 166Α΄/16-6-1989) it is the first University Faculty of Crop Science founded in Greece
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