Department of Agribusiness
& Supply Chain Management

5106 - Calculus I


1. The set of Real numbers. Algebraic calculus.
2. Sequences and series of real numbers.
3. Functions of real variable. Limits of functions of one real variable.
4. Continuity and convergence of functions of one real variable.
5. Economic functions.
6. Marginal functions, elasticity.
7. Equations of the straight line in the plane and in the 3-dim space.
8. System of linear equations. Equations of the plane in the 3-dim Euclidean space.
9. Derivative and differential of functions of one real variable. Fundamental theorems of Calculus.
10. Differentials of higher order.
11. Graphs of functions of one real variable.
12. Definite and indefinite integrals, techniques of integration and fundamental theorems of Integral Calculus
13. Applications of calculus to economy.

Learning results

The aim of the course is:

 To introduce students to the basic mathematical fundamentals of Calculus which are relevant to economy and management.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Distinguishes the basic principles of Differential and Integral Calculus.
  • Understand and use the mathematical models.
  • Apply the mathematical models in order to describe economic and managerial phenomena.
  • Apply the mathematical models in order to comprehend and  foresee economic trends.
  • Understands the basic "tools" for dealing with theoretical and practical problems that arise in the modern business environment.


Suggested bibliography:

•    Teresa Bradley, Μαθηματικά για τα Οικονομικά και τη Διοίκηση, Εκδόσεις Κριτική,  2015 (2η έκδοση).
•    Θ. Μ. Ρασσιάς, Μαθηματική Ανάλυση Ι, Εκδόσεις Τσότρας, 2014.
•    Δημητρακούδης, Θεοδώρου, Κικίλιας, Κουρής, Παλαμούρδας, Διαφορικός-Ολοκληρωτικός Λογισμός, Εκδόσεις Δηρος, 2002 (2η έκδοση).
•    Α. Κυριαζής, Στοιχεία Απειροστικού Λογισμού Συνάρτησης μιας Μεταβλητής, Εκδόσεις Interbooks, 2004
•    X. E. Αθανασιάδης, Ε. Γιαννακούλας, Σ.Χ. Γιωτόπουλος, Γενικά Μαθηματικά – Απειροστικός Λογισμός, Τόμος Ι, Εκδόσεις Συμμετρία, 2009
•    Μαρία Μαύρη, Οικονομικά Μαθηματικά, Εκδόσεις Προπομπός, 2013
•    Μ. Λουκάκης, Μαθηματικά Οικονομικών Επιστημών (Α’ Τόμος), Εκδόσεις Σοφία, 2002.
•    Μ. Λουκάκης, Πρόσκληση στα Μαθηματικά, Εκδόσεις Σοφία, 2012.
•    Χ. Μασούρος, Χ. Τσίτουρας, Γενικά Μαθηματικά, Εκδόσεις Τσότρας, 2016.
•    Π.Κατερίνης, Η.Φλυτζάνης,  Ανώτερα Μαθηματικά, Εκδόσεις Μπένου, 2010.
•    Χ. Φράγκος, Ανώτερα Μαθηματικά, Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη, 1999.
•    Tom Apostol, Calculus, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1969.
•    W. Briggs, L. Cochran, and B. Gillett, Απειροστικός Λογισμός, Εκδόσεις Κριτική, 2018

 Related academic journals:

•    Inventiones mathematicae.
•    Journal of Functional Analysis.
•    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
•    Archiv der Mathematik.


Dr. Foteini Kyriazi is Assistant Professor of Quantitative and Mathematical Methods in the Department […]


The Department was created in 2019 (article 20, Law 4589/2019) and is an evolution of the Supply Systems Management Department (D.S.E.). Housed in a 770 sq.m. building. within a plot with a total area of 8,000 sq.m. in facilities with extensive research and teaching spaces.
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