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  • 6 Schools
  • 14 Departments
  • 19 Postgraduate degree programmes
  •  8 Phd programmes
  • 28 building complexes
  • 44 fully equipped laboratories
  • 55 Auditoriums and Teaching Rooms
  • 13 Greenhouses

Number of Undergraduate Students

  • 5243  from year 1 to year 5
  • 7139 from year 1 to year 7  
  • 13636 total number of registered students

Academic Year: 2016-2018

  • Publications in peer-reviewed journals: 7863
  • Citations: 150.004
  • Patents: 76
  • Funded projects: 4585
  • Funding received: 27.760.000 €

Number of Postgraduate Students

  • 656 Academic Year 2021 - 2022 

Number of Phd Students

  • 445 Academic Year 2021 - 2022 


The “Triptolemus” Magazine:

The “Triptolemus” Magazine was first published in 1994. The Triptolemus owes its name to the mythical hero sent by Demeter, the Goddess of Agriculture and the harvest, in order to spread the seed of grain to the world of mortals.

The “Triptolemus” is not purely a Scientific Journal, as it does not publish exclusively the original scholarly articles, or the research work of the Faculty Members of the Academic Community and the Scientific Community of Agriculture. It also includes articles about a wider range of issues in either Agriculture or current educational issues, as well as providing information on campus life and overall activities in the AUA premises associated with the fields of teaching, science, culture, sports, and society in general.

The “Triptolemus” Μagazine is to be published (bi)annually, covering issues of increased text size, each of them as big as 1500 words. It is certainly embellished with pertinent photographic material and visual images, such as color photographic materials, digital prints, webpage links, logos, maps, graphs and diagrams, texts placed over a photograph etc. all provided by both the Faculty Staff and the Academic Personnel. Such material is to be gathered and respectively classified by the International and Public Relations Office.

According to the competent legislation, the responsible body for publication is the Rector, with the editorial board comprised of the following members of the AUA Faculty Staff:

Anna Kourti, Professor of the Department of Biotechnology, Lab: Molecular Biology,

Panagiotis Skandamis, Professor of the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, Lab: Food Quality Control & Hygiene,

Panagiota Koutsouli, Assistant Professor of the Department of Animal Science, Lab: Animal Breeding & Husbandry,

Dimitris Panagiotopoulos, Historian, in charge of the Documentation Centre of the History of Greek Agriculture of the Museum of Agriculture, as well as Special Laboratory Teaching Staff of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development,

Orestis Kairis, Special Laboratory Teaching Staff of the Department of Natural Resources Management & Agricultural Engineering, Lab: Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry.

Secretarial Duties of the editorial board:  Rania Hindiridou of the AUA International and Public Relations Office.

e - newsletter – PANORAMA

Τhe e- newsletter PANORAMA will be available mainly in frequent electronic version, three or four (3-4) times annually, with the aim to promote the educational and scientific actions and activities of the University, being an online and  harmonised means of  news recording, pertaining to the fields of Research and Research Programs, Innovation, in addition to any Distinctions achieved by the Faculty Staff, Researchers and any form of Awards and Excellence attained by Students, under the extroversion and internationalization framework of the Institution. Ιt will also include topics, related to the Digital-Transformation of Public Administration and Publications in general, providing feature stories to the Greek History and Culture, highlighting the most important social events and news taken place within the Academic Community, too.

Each of the topics consists of up to 500 words, with appropriate photographic material and visual images, such as color photographic materials, digital prints, webpage links, logos, maps, graphs and diagrams, texts placed over a photograph, etc, all provided by both the Faculty Staff and the Academic Personnel. In fact, the texts and the related items are further processed by both the Graphic Design Editor and the competent person of the Department of the International and Public Relations Office.

Moreover, the release of the printed version of the e-newsletter PANORAMA, in any form of copies to be required, shall be performed in accordance with the promotion and publicity needs of both the activities of the International and Public Relations Office and the Actions, scheduled by the Agricultural University of Athens in general like the Hellenic Universities Rectors' Synod (Convention) held in July 2021. 

Messages to Mailbox:  Send us your ideas and proposals for topics to be elaborated

For your impressions and/or any other comments, related to the e-newsletter PANORAMA, please, feel free and welcome to express yourselves. Indeed, we would be very happy to receive your mails delivered to the inbox for the attention of Rania Hindiridou, of the AUA International and Public Relations Office.

Phone Number: (+30) 210 5294841.

There is also a web service available for the submission of proposals by all members of the Academic Community, through the platform Entry Access to the web-based platform, by means of the personal user names and passwords.

Digital Edition of the Anniversary Volume:

Upon the completion of 100 years, since the establishment of the Agricultural University of Athens, the historic development of the Institution is featured, through the 160 pages of the high-quality piece of work, in the digital edition of the Anniversary Volume. In addition, the current structuring and infrastructure, the national and international, both educational and research footprint of the University, inasmuch the important contribution of the Departments to the productive and development needs of the Greek Agriculture and the society in general, are well - presented, too. The Anniversary Volume is the ultimate guide for anyone who is interested in getting to know our University. At the same time, it serves the preservation of the historical memory and heritage of the AUA and Greek Agriculture for all members of our Community, especially for the younger generations of our students.

Besides its essential content, the Anniversary Volume is distinguished for its special aesthetics adorned with rich photographic material which makes it extremely enjoyable to read.

Warm thanks are generously offered to the editorial board of the book headed by the Professor Anna Kourti, as well as our colleague and publisher Mr. Stelios Vassiliadis, as far as the kind sponsorship of the typesetting and print is concerned.

For more information, please visit the website:

The plants in the park of Ancient Agora

This is a painting collection, consisting of 250 imprints of plants of unique scientific and artistic value, classified by Emmanuel Vathis. In July 2000, Vathis offered his work to S. Kyritsis the Rector of AUA at that time, in order to make best use by the University.

Legislation/ Case Law on Election/Promotion of Research Teaching Staff Members of Universities

It includes the applicable legislation, circulars of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, as well as decisions of the Council of State (S.t.E) and the Administrative Court of Appeal (D. Ef), as published by June 2005, referring to the Research Teaching Staff selection procedures, starting from the announcement of a position to the final appointment.

Processing – Editing: Nikolaos Spyropoulos

Dimitris Panagiotopoulos (2004), Agricultural Education and Development. The Agricultural University of Athens, in the framework of Greek society 1920-1960, Athens, ed. Ellinika Grammata (in Greek).

Dimitris Panagiotopoulos – Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos (2007), The Greek rural society and economy, in the period of Eleftherios Venizelos, Proceedings of the Conference (organised by the Agricultural University of Athens, in collaboration with the National Foundation of Research and Studies "Eleftherios K. Venizelos " on the 3rd , 4th  and 5th of  November 2004), Athens, ed. Ellinika Grammata (in Greek). 


Agricultural University of Athens, Iera odos 75, ΤΚ 11855, Athens
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