University of Athens
Department of Regional
& Economic Development

[6631] Economic Development I

Course Content

  • Understanding economic growth: a global perspective
  • Comparative Economic Development
  • Classical theories of economic growth and development.
  • Modern models of growth and underdevelopment .
  • Poverty, Inequality and Development.
  • Population Growth and Economic Development: Causes, Consequences and Controversies.
  • Urbanization and Urbanization: Theory and Policy.

Human capital: education, health and economic development.

Learning results

After completing the course, it is expected that students will be able to:

Describe development differences between countries

To understand the problems and challenges faced by less developed countries and the role of developed countries in these problems.

Understand the relationship between development, sustainable development, and prosperity.

To analyze policies that can help development.

Assess how specific policies affect the achievement of the SDGs.

Explain quantitative and qualitative indicators of development and well-being.

The course deals with economic development which is a dynamic process of economic expansion and social change. It is associated not only with the increase of the productive capacities of a country, but with a deeper transformation of the economic structure, the institutional framework, as well as consumer protection and environmental education, health, etc. In this context, the aim of the course is the presentation and analysis of models and theories formulated for the study of economic development. He examines


Βασικά διδακτικά εγχειρίδια:

  • Todaro M. P., Smith, S. C. (2014), Οικονομική της Ανάπτυξης, 12 Έκδοση, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, Θεσσαλονίκη.
  • Sadoulet Elisabeth, De Janvry Alain,επιμ. Ψαλτόπουλος Δ.,Στοφόρος Χ. (2020) Οικονομική της Ανάπτυξης, εκδόσεις Gutenberg
  • Taylor, E. J., Lybbert, T. J. (2016), Οικονομικά της Ανάπτυξης, Εκδόσεις Κριτική, Αθήνα.
  • Ρέππας, Π. (2003), Οικονομική Ανάπτυξη: Θεωρίες και Στρατηγικές. Παπαζήση, Αθήνα.

Educational Staff

Aimilia Vlami

Vlami Aimilia is an Assistant Professor in Tourism Economics and Tourism Development, […]


Incorporated into the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Law 4589 - Government Gazette 13/A/29.01.2019. Originally it belonged to the School of Management and Economics of the former Technical University of Central Greece. It is located in Amfissa, Phocis.
The address of the Department is: New building, Nea Polis, Amfissa, P.O. Box 33100
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