University of Athens
Department of Regional
& Economic Development

[6422] Elements of Commercial Law

Course Content

Fundamental concepts of merchant and commercial transactions-Sources of commercial law Merchants-types of commercial transactions-acquisition and loss of commercial status Industrial property law (trademark-patent-trademark-unfair competition) Company Law (general) General-partnership-invisible company Limited company (S.A.) Solution S.A.-E.P.E. Securities law in general (concept and types) About bill of exchange and promissory note About bank check Maritime Law Insurance Law Bankruptcy law

Learning results

The learning outcomes of the course are:

In demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts of the merchant and commercial transactions, as well as the organization of the trade and the commercial profession.

Students after teaching this course will have developed the knowledge acquisition skills they need to continue in further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

They will have developed their critical ability to distinguish the types of legal rules that apply to civil and commercial transactions, as well as the ability to protect themselves in their transactional relationships.

They will also have the ability to understand the functioning of trading companies and securities law especially in relation to bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques.

Finally they will develop the ability to understand issues of industrial property, business bankruptcy, insurance and shipping.


Η βασική βιβλιογραφία που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί είναι το βιβλίο του Χρήστου Νικ. Σατλάνη ‘ Στοιχεία δικαίου και Εισαγωγή στη νομική επιστήμη’, τεύχος Α΄, εκδόσεις Αντ. Ν. Σάκκουλα Ε.Ε.
Βελέντζας Γ., 2008, Επίτομο Εμπορικό Δίκαιο, Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα
Περιοδικό ‘Νομικός Σύμβουλος’ των εκδόσεων ‘Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη’
‘Χρονικά Ιδιωτικού Δικαίου’, εκδόσεις Π. Ν. Σάκκουλας.

Educational Staff

Spyros Ntourmas

Spiros Dourmas is application lecturer at the Agricultural University of Athens with […]


Incorporated into the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Law 4589 - Government Gazette 13/A/29.01.2019. Originally it belonged to the School of Management and Economics of the former Technical University of Central Greece. It is located in Amfissa, Phocis.
The address of the Department is: New building, Nea Polis, Amfissa, P.O. Box 33100
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