Department of
Nanotechnology and Biosensors

Nanotechnology and Biosensors


1. Biosensors: A historical review.
2. Principles of nanotechnology
3. Elements of electrochemistry
4. Cyclic voltammetry, voltammetry and chronoampeormetry
5. Electrochemical impedance spectrometry
6. Optical biosensors
7. Cell-based biosensors
8. Methods for immobilizing/entrapping biomolecules
9. Microelectromechanic Systems (MEMS) – Introduction to Microenginnering. Commercial applications
10. Basic Microengineering technologies: lithography, imprinting, surface microenginnering, volume microengineering
11. Microfludics for biological applications, protein separation and direct screening for disease agents
12. Artificial intelligence systems in biosensors
13. Application of MEMs in life sciences. DNA analysis. Application of microelectrode arrays
14. Application of biosensors in food safety and environmental monitoring
15. Application of biosensors in medicine and life sciences
16. Other applications of biosensors

Learning outcomes


• Μ. Προδρομίδης, Ηλεκτροχημικοί Αισθητήρες &Βιοαισθητήρες, 2010
• F.S. Ligler, Optical Biosensors: Present & Future, Elsevier 2002
• J.Y.Yoon, Introduction to Biosensors: From Electric Circuits to Immunosensors, Springer 2012
• J. Li, N. Wu,Biosensors Based on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (Nanomaterials and their Applications), CRC 2013


Biotechnology is a rapidly advancing discipline which aims at exploitting the progress in life and physical sciences as well as other related fields, in developing new and advanced products, processes and services
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