Department of



Theory: Review of the structure of biological macromolecules. X-ray Diffraction. Crystals. Crystallization. Theory of x-ray diffraction. Reciprocal space. Crystallographic symmetry. Structure factors and Intensities. Data Collection. Electron Density Function. Approaches to the Phase Problem. Structure refinement. Radiation scattering from solutions of macromolecules. Thermodynamics and Biochemistry. Calorimetric methods. Molecular Mechanics, NMR Spectroscopy, circular dischroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, Applications in drug design and Nanotechnology
Laboratory: Determination of thermodynamic parameters for salt dissolution, crystallization of lysozyme, diffraction experiments with lysozyme crystals, analysis of electron density map for lysozyme-ligand complex, fluorescence microscopy image processing, analysis of fluorescence spectroscopy data and construction of molecular model.

Learning outcomes

The course is a basic introductory course in Biophysics techniques used in the analysis of the structure of biomolecules (proteins, DNA, RNA) such as X-ray crystallography, scattering techniques, multidimensional NMR, molecular dynamics as well as other quantitative techniques such as calorimetry, circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. Finally, the course aims to help students understand the applications of these techniques in the design of drugs and other bioactive molecules.

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to

  • Have an understanding the basic features of the biophysical methods
  • Is capable of knowing when to use these methodologies
  • Analyze and calculate basic information
  • Present the results of a relevant study


1. Principles in Physical Biochemistry (van Holde, Johnson, Ho) 2nd Edition
2. Themata Moriakis Biofysikis (Hamodrakas) Symmetria publications



Biotechnology is a rapidly advancing discipline which aims at exploitting the progress in life and physical sciences as well as other related fields, in developing new and advanced products, processes and services
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