Number of Undergraduate Students
Academic Year: 2016-2018
Number of Postgraduate Students
Number of Phd Students
According to the Law 4957/2022 (Greek Government Gazette No 141/A'/21-7-2022), the Council of administration consists of eleven (11) members, which are divided into:
A) Six (6) internal members
B) Five (5) external members
The Rector of the University is in charge of the Council of administration, in accordance with the article 15, (1), subparagraph b' of the Law 4957/2022.
The Vice-Rectors are obliged to provide the Council of administration with any necessary information or information regarding the exercise of the powers assigned to them (Greek Government Gazette Νο 58/ B'/12-01-2023) and they may attend the meetings of the Council of administration without the right to vote pursuant to the article 12, (4) of the Law 4957/2022.
The term of office of the members of the Council of administration shall be four years and all the members can be elected up to two (2) times in total in the same University.
The Council of administration has all the responsibilities and tasks as prescribed in article 14 of the Law 4957/21-07-2022, in addition to the individual provisions of the above Law as in force.
Administration Council Secretariat
Gounari Georgia, Administrative Staff, tel.: (+30) 2105294838-4832, e-mail: