Study guide
The Academic Adviser is a member of the Teaching and Research Staff of the Department, whose main task is to support and guide the students who turn to him, with the aim of the effective organization and successful completion of the their studies.
The following table defines the Academic Advisor for each student.
According to No. 87763/Z1 Amendment of no. 77275/Z1/19-06-2020 of ministerial decision on the subject: "Correspondence of Departments, Introductory Courses and Study Programs of A.E.I. and of the Higher Ecclesiastical Academies, academic year 2020-2021" (Β΄ 2549) the Department of Management of Agricultural Businesses and Supply Systems of the Agricultural University of Athens cannot accept transfer students as the Department is not matched with another Department of Higher Education in Hellas.
Qualifiers Exams
The Open eClass platform is a complete Electronic Course Management System. It follows the philosophy of open source software and supports the Asynchronous Distance Learning service without limitations and commitments. Access to the service is done using a simple web browser without requiring specialized technical knowledge.
Login to eClass
Students visit and log in to eClass
They use their passwords in the "User Login" field and log in. (First year students must first go through the eclass registration process).
They select "Course list" and choose the course they want (selection in the box to the left of the course).
They then select “User Portfolio” and choose the course.
They select "User groups" and enroll in the course of their choice by pressing REGISTER.
In case of incorrect selection they can be deleted from one user group and registered in another.
According to Erasmus+ Programme rules, student exchanges for studies and staff exchanges for teaching are only possible within the framework of Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements among Higher Education Institutes based in one of the Programme Countries: all member states of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Serbia and Republic of North Macedonia.
Participating HEIs must hold the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027 (ECHE). The list of Erasmus Charter Holders is available at :
The Inter-Institutional Agreements contain information such as the number of provisioned exchanges/year for students and staff, the subject area of cooperation, the minimum language requirements, practical information etc. All IIAs are concluded at departmental level and are primarily approved by the General Assembly of the Department.
Information concerning AUA partners’ list/Department/academic year is available at :
Postgraduate Studies
The Higher Educational Institutions of the country, according to the Legislation, are responsible for the planning and organization of postgraduate studies in Greece and grant Postgraduate Diplomas of Specialization (MDE). The Universities also have the competence to grant Doctoral Degrees (PhDs).
The Department of Agricultural Business and Supply Systems Management (DIGESE), will offer from the academic year 2022-23 the Inter-Institutional Master's Program entitled "Techno-economic Systems Management". It will also in the future offer a large number of Postgraduate Programs (Departmental, Interdepartmental, Interinstitutional, Transnational) covering various scientific fields of Agricultural Business Management and Supply Systems, thus enabling its graduates, as well as graduates from other academic institutions, to advance science and to claim their position in the labor market.
Postgraduate Programs are either financed from the regular budget or have as their main source of funding the payment of tuition fees. The DIGESE department, in order to ensure the good operation and sustainability of the PMS, is also looking for other sources of funding, such as donations, sponsorships, research programs. It also promotes the implementation of a scholarship system based on economic-social criteria, as well as student performance.
The DIGESE department encourages innovation and research and offers graduates the opportunity to prepare a Doctoral Thesis. PhD candidates submit an application to the Secretariat of the Department where they are interested in preparing their doctoral thesis.
The DIGESE department has concluded Special Cooperation Protocols with similar institutions abroad for the preparation of doctoral theses under the co-supervision of professors who are members of international University networks.
Postdoctoral Research
DPMS "Techno-economic Management Systems"
The Graduates of the Department could work across the full range of activities, associated with business administration with emphasis to agricultural businesses and supply chain management, including among others, the following professional perspectives:
- Organization and administration of primary production companies.
- Organization and administration of manufacturing companies and food companies.
- Management of agricultural holdings.
- Organization and management of Cooperatives, Groups of Producers and Unions of Cooperatives.
- Organization and management of the supply chain, such as warehouses, distribution networks, transportation of orders, supplies and products.
- Preparation of planning studies for product standardization, quality assurance, inventory management, and protection of the environment.
- Development and implementation of mechanisms and procedures for monitoring and flow control of materials and products and optimization of supply chain in general.
- Management of information systems for planning, monitoring and control activities of the supply chain.
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Παρακάτω παρατίθενται επιλεκτικά κάποιοι από τους οργανισμούς που σχετίζονται με τα Logistics, μία σύντομη περιγραφή τους, καθώς και οι αντίστοιχες διευθύνσεις που μπορεί να επισκεφθεί κανείς για να ενημερωθεί περαιτέρω.
HILME is a non-profitable organization aiming at the increase of logistics management effectiveness in Trade and Industry, as well as, in the Public and Private sector through the reinforcement of a coordinated approach to the distribution materials, the quality management and the after-sales customer service.
APICS – The Association of Operations Management –
APICS is a global leader in professional certifications, educational programs, and publications for manufacturing and service industry professionals. Founded in 1957, the society supports 60,000 members in 20,000 manufacturing and service industries across the entire supply chain.
The Society offers the United States oldest and most prestigious Certified in Transportation and Logistics certification program that allows inpiduals/companies to obtain comprehensive technical education in the fields of: General Management, Transportation Economics, Logistics Systems, Public Policy and Legal Issues, and International Transport and Logistics.
Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply, The –
CIPS is an international organisation, based in the UK, serving the purchasing and supply profession. Dedicated to promoting best practice, CIPS provides a wide range of services for the benefit of members and the wider business community.
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals –
CSCMP is the preeminent association for individuals involved in logistics and supply chain management. CSCMP provides educational, career development, and networking opportunities to its over 10,000 members and to the entire profession.
EEL -Greek Society of Logistics –
The official web site of SOLE District Greece. Information about news and events held by the Athena and the Thessaloniki chapters.
Institute for Supply Management –
The largest supply management association in the world, as well as, one of the most respected. ISM’s mission is to lead the supply management profession through its standards of excellence, research, promotional activities, and education. ISM is a not-for-profit association that provides opportunities for the promotion of the profession and the expansion of professional skills and knowledge.
International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association –
IPSERA is a multi-disciplinary network of academics and practitioners dedicated to the development of knowledge concerning Purchasing and Supply Management. Membership of IPSERA offers practitioners contact with a global network of experts on a range of issues relating to Purchasing and Supply Chain concepts.
International Warehouse Logistics Association –
IWLA is the unified voice of the global logistics outsourcing industry, representing third party warehousing, transportation and logistics service providers. Our 500 member companies provide the most timely and cost-effective global logistics solutions for their customers and are committed to protecting the free flow of products across international borders.
SOLE – The International Society of Logistics –
SOLE is a non-profit international professional society composed of individuals organized to enhance the art and science of logistics technology, education and management.
Supply-Chain Council –
The Supply-Chain Council’s membership is primarily practitioners representing a broad cross section of industries, including manufacturers, services, distributors, and retailers. Non-members are welcome to browse the public section information including the Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR) Overview materials, IT vendors, consultants, and researchers that support SCOR, calendar of upcoming events, links to other related organizations, and general information on the association.
Warehousing Education & Research Council –
WERC is the professional association for those in warehousing and distribution. WERC is a not-for-profit organization with over 4,000 individual members.