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Department of Agribusiness
& Supply Chain Management

5910 - Food packaging - standardization and quality control


1. Role of packaging. Examples of the use of packaging in various foods. 2. Plastic packaging I Conceptual terms. Types of plastic packaging 3. Plastic packaging II Ways of preparation of plastic packaging. Properties of plastic materials 4. Paper packaging I. Conceptual terms. Paper making 5. Paper packaging II. Paper packaging items and applications 6. Glass packaging. Conceptual terms. Preparation of glass packaging. Glass packaging applications 7. Other types of packaging. 8. Introduction to the principles of food quality control 9. Food quality characteristics - Quality factors 10. Introduction to statistical food quality control 11. Food production process capacity analysis 12. Solving food quality control problems and quality improvement 13. Methods of organoleptic evaluation of foods A combination of teaching and learning methods will be used aiming at the active participation of students and the practical application of the thematic units under consideration: lectures using audiovisual means, analysis and discussion of case studies on real operational issues, experiential (group) exercises, as well as projection of relevant videos. In addition, articles in electronic form, audiovisual lecture material, web addresses, useful information, case studies and exercises are posted in eclass for the students' practice.

Learning results

The aim of the course is:
the understanding & learning of scientific and technical concepts concerning packaging food and specifically the operation of packaging, materials, their production, and their applications.
The acquired knowledge through the lectures and workshops of the course concerns the information about materials and their properties. The course describes the basic packaging materials and analyzes their physical, thermal, chemical, and other properties related to the preservation of food. The methods of their analysis and the desired limits of properties in food packaging applications are precisely defined.
In laboratory exercises, students are asked to recall the information and combine it to select suitable combinations of packaging materials for maximum durability and quality.
The understanding of packaging concepts is achieved through problem solving where the interpretation of the problem is required, and the levels and factors are recognized in order to lead the student to conclusions as to the method and technique of approaching the problem.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
• understand the importance of its quality and benefit and that it constitutes a matter of prevention and not of controls or inspections
• understanding the importance of specifications, customer and versatility on the definition of quality, and the relationship of the latter with quality problems
• understand the dimensions of quality that contribute to its determination in a product
• combine statistics with the concept of quality to solve or prevent quality problems, as

well as improving it

• understand the application of problem-solving and quality management tools
• understand the need for continuous quality improvement
• understand the concept and methods of organoleptic examination
• familiar with the analysis of the data of the organoleptic examination


Suggested Bibliography in Greek Language: • Awpa TEwpyaKn, KaiEpwa Koupounn, Ziaupoq noAftnq, An^hTPioq PEKKaq. 2010. Aiaxetpion • OAiKhq noioinxaq. EK5oa£iq I. IIAEPHL • nanaSaKnq Z. 2010. ZuaKEuaata Tpo^^wv TZioAaq ISBN: 9789604182268 • MnAouKaq I. 2004. ZuoKEuama Tpo^^wv Zia^ouAn ISBN:9603515086 • Gordon L. Robertson. 2012. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice. CRC Press (3rd ed.). ISBN 9781439862414 • A. KavaPoupaq. npoaraiEUTiKh ZuoKEuama. Ek5. nanaZhon. ISBN: 978-960-02-2315-6. Suggested Bibliography in English Language: • Amitava Mitra. 2008. Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, 3rd edition. WILEY Publications. • Herbert Stone and Joel L. Sidel. 2004. Sensory Evaluation Practices, 3rd edition. Academic Press Publications. Related academic Journals: Instructor's Notes


The Department was created in 2019 (article 20, Law 4589/2019) and is an evolution of the Supply Systems Management Department (D.S.E.). Housed in a 770 sq.m. building. within a plot with a total area of 8,000 sq.m. in facilities with extensive research and teaching spaces.
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