1. Introduction. Subject, distinctions, sources and fundamental principles of labor law
2. The individual contract of employment. Concept and special characteristics, distinction from related concepts, training, successive employment contracts
3. The subjects of the employment contract.
4. Working time
5. Typology of modern forms of employment. Partial, rotating and temporary employment. Job lending, employee posting, flexible forms of employment
6. Labour Remuneration
7. Employer provision. Health and safety at work.
8. Collective labor agreements
9. Collective labor disputes
10. Concept and distinctions of taxes
11. The principle of tax legality and tax equality
12. Income taxation
13. Rules of International Tax Law
14. Introductory concepts/The principles that govern environmental legislation, at in-ternational, regional, national level
15. Natural and cultural environment
16. Environment and nature
17. The anthropocentric and the ecological approach
18. Environment and sustainable development
19. Concepts of viability and sustainability
20. The sustainable development principle
21. The sustainable development in the international law
22. The sustainable development in the European community law
23. The legal concept of the environment
24. The protection of the environment as a horizontal principle in the law (integration)
25. The legal concept of environmental protection
26. The constitutional protection of forests and woodlands
27. Environmental protection and protection of economic freedom and development
28. Environmental protection and economic development
29. Environmental protection and economic development conflict
30. Climate change: meeting the challenge from the law
31. Types of environmental legislation: direct regulation (command and control) / economic incentive-market based instruments
32. The Institution of Environmental Impact Assessment
33. The Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (EIA) and the environmental li-censing of projects and activities (The legislative framework, The classification of projects and activities, The process of approval of environmental conditions, The pre-approval of location)
34. The Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and the approval of the environmental conditions (Law 4014/2011)
35. The jurisprudence on the process of approval of environmental terms (For the ap-proval of environmental terms)
36. The jurisprudence on the process of approval of environmental conditions (For pre-approval of zoning)
37. The Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (SEIA)
38. The establishment of liability for environmental damage
39. The establishment of criminal liability for the protection of the environment
40. Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
41. The participation of civil society in the decision-making process.
The aim of the course is:
The development, analysis and interpretation of tax legislation, combined with Environmental Legislation (Environmental Law).
The lectures start with a theoretical approach to general concepts, such as meaning, content and distinctions of taxes as well as the general principles governing tax law. Then, the Greek tax system is presented, including the administrative tax procedure and particularly the judicial one protection in tax disputes. The course also addresses key issues in labor relations and labor law that employ enterprises and their employees and are of particular applied interest and introductory concepts concerning Environmental Legislation (Environmental Law).
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
• Understand the concepts of Tax and Labor Law,
• Recognize the scope of application of Tax and Labor Law,
• Understand the fundamental principles governing Tax and Labor Law,
• Analyze theoretical issues of Tax and Labor Law
• Resolve practical issues of Tax and Labor Law
• Understand what Environmental legislation means,
• Recognize the scope of Environmental legislation,
• Know the fundamental principles that govern Environmental legislation,
• Analyze theoretical issues of Environmental legislation and
• Resolve practical issues of Environmental legislation and understand the importance and possibilities of alternative intervention and monitoring tools for the natural and built environment, with the aim of protecting and upgrading it.
General Competences:
• Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies
• Adaptation to new situations
• Decision making
• Autonomous work
• Teamwork
• Working in an International Environment
• Work in an interdisciplinary environment
• Promotion of new Research Ideas
• Composite application of legislation and "good practices" as well as Environmental legislation
• Respect for the Natural Environment
• Distinguish mandatory criteria from optional ones in the environmental impact assessment process
• Participation in the process of preparing and evaluating Environmental Studies and Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (EIA)
• Understand the importance and possibilities of alternative intervention and tools for monitoring the natural and built environment, with the aim of protecting and upgrading it.
• Participation in the process of transposing EU Directives into the internal legal order
• Planning and Management of projects and activities
• Respect for Diversity and multiculturalism
• Demonstration of social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to issues gender
• Exercise criticism and self-criticism
• Promoting free, creative and inductive thinking.
Suggested Bibliography in Greek Language:
• Handbook of Labor Law, Ioannis Al. Tzionas, Giolas Publications, (in Greek) Εγχειρίδιο Εργατικού Δικαίου, Ιωάννης Αλ. Τζιώνας, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2019
• Tax Law, Fortsakis T., Savvaidou K., Pantazopoulos P., Tsourouflis A., Politeia Publications, (in Greek) Φορολογικό Δίκαιο, Φορτσάκης Θ., Σαββαΐδου Κ. , Πανταζόπουλος Π., Τσουρουφλής Α., Εκδόσεις Πολιτεία.
• Environmental law (collective), Law library 2021, (in Greek) Το δίκαιο του περιβάλλοντος (συλλογικό), Νομική βιβλιοθήκη 2021, ISBN: 9789606544729
• Handbook of environmental law, 4th ed., Glykeria P. Siouti, SAKKOULAS Publications, 4th Edition 2022, pp. XX+399, (in Greek) Εγχειρίδιο δικαίου περιβάλλοντος, 4η έκδ., Γλυκερία Π. Σιούτη, Εκδόσεις ΣΑΚΚΟΥΛΑ, Δ’ Έκδοση 2022, σελ ΧΧ+399, ISBN: 978-960-648-577-0
Suggested Bibliography in English Language:
• Birnie, Boyle, and Redgwell's, International Law and the Environment, OUP 2021, ISBN: 9780199594016
• S. Kingstone, V. Heyvaert, A. Cavoski, European Environmental Law, CUP 2017, ISBN: 9781107640443
Related academic Journals:
• Environment and Law, Law library, (in Greek) Περιβάλλον και Δίκαιο, Νομική βιβλιοθήκη
• European Energy and Environmental Law Review (Kluwer)
• Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law (Brill/Nijhoff)
• Journal of Environmental Law (OUP)
• Journal of Planning and Environment Law (Sweet & Maxwell)
• Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (RECIEL)
• Yearbook of European Environmental Law (OUP)
Instructor's Notes
• https://nomosphysis.org.gr/
• http://ec.europa.eu/environment/index_en.htm
• European Environment Agency http://www.eea.europa.eu
• The European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/impel