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Department of Agribusiness
& Supply Chain Management

5310 - English III


Thematic Units: 1. Economic Terms 2. Economics – Business Cycles, Inflation, Supply and Demand, Business Competition 3. Business and agribusiness English 4. Introducing Business Letter Writing 5. Investing – The Stock Market, Vocabulary to Investments and the Stock Market, Banking Terms, Banking and Finance - General Overview – Vocabulary and Terms, Commercial funding, Banking Vocabulary, Banking text, Money / Finance Vocabulary 6. Marketing, Marketing Vocabulary, ‘Greenification’, Advertising 7. Business Locations - Understanding the needs of the business - Business Performance - Practicing Language 8. Comparing Companies - Types of Companies 9. Getting up a new Business - Exploring Vocabulary and Grammar in context 10. Introduction to Natural Resources Management 11. Introduction to Business Administration 12. Introduction to Supply Chain Management 13. Material Handling Systems

Grammar and syntax structures: • Revision of tenses (present, past &future) • Clauses of Contrast/Purpose/Result • Relative Clauses • Infinitive • Gerund

Skills: • Writing (business letters) • Speaking Skills • Translating Skills

A combination of teaching and learning methods will be used, aiming at the active participation of the students and the practical application of the thematic units under examination. The students will also undertake an individual or group project. Furthermore, articles, audiovisual lecture materials, web links/addresses, useful information, and exercises for further practice are posted in digital form on the AUA Open e-Class platform.

Learning results

The scope of the course is to help students to:

-Further familiarize themselves with the use of the English language in agricultural business management and supply chain systems.

-Understand longer written and auditory texts in English related to agricultural business management and supply chain systems.

-Convey the main information of a text in spoken language.

-Enrich their specialized vocabulary of administrative and economic terms in English.

-Communicate orally in English on topics related to agricultural sciences and the management of agricultural businesses and supply chain systems.

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

-Understands and uses basic terms and concepts of the disciplines in the department in English.

-Listens to and comprehends texts related to scientific topics relevant to the department in English, recognizing key concepts and information.

-Communicates effectively orally on scientific topics related to the department, participating in discussions and presentations regarding current concepts and practices.

Research, analysis, and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies.

-Adaptation to new situations.

-Decision making.

-Independent work.


-Promotion of free, creative, and inductive thinking.


Bibliography: -English for Management, Economics, and Tourism, Corballis Tony, Jennings Wayne, McLisky Marie, Mol Hans, Roberts Mark, Walker Carolyn, 2019. -Career Paths - Business English Student’s Book, Taylor John, Zeter Jeff, Express Publishing. -Career Paths - Social Media Marketing Student’s Book, Sylvia Davidson, Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing. -From Agriscience to Agribusiness (electronic resource), Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, Elias G. Carayannis, Evangelos Grigoroudis, Stelios Rozakis. -BUSINESS ENGLISH: FIRST STEPS AT WORK, TSIOGA CHAROULA, HATZISTERGIADOU ANTHI. -Communicative Business English Activities, Marjorie Rosenberg, Express Publishing. -English for Accounting & Business, Ifigenia Peppa, Disigma Publications. -Economic and Business English in a Nutshell (Revised Edition), Angelos Ath. Altintzis, Athanasios ALTINTZIS Publications. -Reading and Writing English for Advanced Students of Economics and Business Management, Sivridou Fotini, Ananiadou Evi, Publisher: Nikitopoulos Sarantos & Co. LLC, 2020. -Skills and Functions in Business English 2nd Edition, Sivridou Fotini, Iakovos Antonis, Publisher: Nikitopoulos Sarantos & Co. LLC, 2021.

Instructor's Notes: Students are also provided with texts for study and practice, as well as many graded language exercises for the practice and reinforcement of vocabulary and grammatical-syntactic phenomena.



The Department was created in 2019 (article 20, Law 4589/2019) and is an evolution of the Supply Systems Management Department (D.S.E.). Housed in a 770 sq.m. building. within a plot with a total area of 8,000 sq.m. in facilities with extensive research and teaching spaces.
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