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  • 6 Schools
  • 14 Departments
  • 19 Postgraduate degree programmes
  •  8 Phd programmes
  • 28 building complexes
  • 44 fully equipped laboratories
  • 55 Auditoriums and Teaching Rooms
  • 13 Greenhouses

Number of Undergraduate Students

  • 5243  from year 1 to year 5
  • 7139 from year 1 to year 7  
  • 13636 total number of registered students

Academic Year: 2016-2018

  • Publications in peer-reviewed journals: 7863
  • Citations: 150.004
  • Patents: 76
  • Funded projects: 4585
  • Funding received: 27.760.000 €

Number of Postgraduate Students

  • 656 Academic Year 2021 - 2022 

Number of Phd Students

  • 445 Academic Year 2021 - 2022 

Project AgriLink

The AgriLink project explores the roles played by advisors in farmers’ decision making by implementing cutting-edge research methods in a multi-actor, transdisciplinary context. AgriLink aspires to essentially contribute to enhancing the role of agricultural advisors and advisory services / providers by stimulating and facilitating sustainability transitions in the European agricultural sector. It is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme for the period from 1 June 2017 to 31 May 2021.

The AgriLink consortium comprises academic and non-academic partners, thus, building on experiences from both research and practice and cuts across classical boundaries between research, policy and practice.

Project Partners:
1. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, INRA, France 
2. Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinow, AACB, Poland 
3. Agricultural University of Athens, AUA, Greece 
4. Boerenbondvereniging voor Projecten vzw, ISP, Belgium 
5. EKOTOXA SRO, EKOT, Czech Republic 
6. HIGHCLERE Consulting SRL, HCC, Romania 
7. INRA Transfert S.A., IT, France 
8. Instituto Navarro de Tecnologias e Infraestructuras Agroalimentarias SA, INTIA, Spain 
9. Nodibinajums Baltic Studies Centre, BSC, Latvia 
10. The Open University, OU, United Kingdom 
11. Stichting Wageningen Research, WR, Netherlands 
12. Stiftelsen Norsk Senter for Bygdeforskning, CRR, Norway 
13. The James Hutton Institute HUTT, United Kingdom 
14. Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, UTAD, Portugal 
15. Ustav Zemedelske Ekonomiky a Informaci, UZEI, Czech Republic 
16. VINIDEA SRL, VIN, Italy 

Project website:  
Project presentation by EC


Agricultural University of Athens, Iera odos 75, ΤΚ 11855, Athens
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