Number of Undergraduate Students
Academic Year: 2016-2018
Number of Postgraduate Students
Number of Phd Students
Whatever your language interests, level or aims, as a student in AUA you have the opportunity to use the English language along with the scientific material of your studies and with the right advice and instruction improve your language skills. You can visit the FLO to ask for help identifying your strengths and weaknesses, as well as finding ways for structuring and organizing a self –tailored support program regarding the use of English in your studies.
Ι. One-to-one appointments
Meetings during our open office hours
Throughout the semesters, but especially at the beginning of each semester, you can visit the FLO at open office hours or book an appointment or a series of regular appointments to discuss any aspect of studying English effectively during your studies in AUA.
Telephone office hour (by appointment)
If you can’t visit the FLO personally, you can make an appointment for a telephone office hour by contacting with subject line “Telephone office hour” (please mention your skype name) if you would like to connect via skype for a virtual meeting.
II. Get a global idea of your language level
As a university student you must have a global idea of your current language level in English to be able to deal with scientific references using English in the academic environment. You are very welcome to drop by for a diagnostic test, and/or additional material to refresh and improve your knowledge. Alternatively, you can visit the links suggested on the AUA open e-class platform (English Courses - self evaluation) which can give you a very global indication of your level for your own reference.
III. Language Study Group
If you enjoy learning in group, working with and learning from your classmates through communication and interaction, create your own study group in English! We can decide together on the topic and the activities depending on your level of English and your time available.