Number of Undergraduate Students
Academic Year: 2016-2018
Number of Postgraduate Students
Number of Phd Students
The Rector's Council is a collective governing body of the Universities and consists of:
the Rector,
the Vice-Rectors,
a student representative, nominated and nominated by the elected students who participate in the Senate,
the representative of the administrative staff who sits on the Senate.
The Rector's Council shall be constituted and function legally even if the representative of the students or the administrative employees has not been nominated. In the event of a tie, the opinion of the Rector shall prevail.
The Rector's Council has the powers described in Article 14, paragraph 2 of Law 4485/2017, the specific powers assigned by the Senate of the University for a specific period of time, with a reasoned decision (Government Gazette 846 / t. B΄/12.03.2019), and as many others provided by the provisions of Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 114, t. A΄), the Statute and the Internal Regulations of the Institution.
Secretariat of the Rector's Council
Alexandra Douca, P.E. Administrative-Finance tel.: 210-529 4856, e-mail: