Number of Undergraduate Students
Academic Year: 2016-2018
Number of Postgraduate Students
Number of Phd Students
2. Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Management
Β. School of Animal Biosciences
1. Department of Animal Science
* 2. Department of Hydrobiology and Aquaculture
C. School of Environment and Agricultural Engineering
1. Department of Natural Resources Development & Agricultural Engineering
* 2. Department of Agricultural and Environmental Informatics
D. School of Food and Nutritional Sciences
1. Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
* 2. Department of Dietetics and Quality of Life
Ε. School of Applied Biology and Biotechnology
F. School of Applied Economics and Social Sciences
1. Department of Agricultural Economics and Development
2. Department of Agribusiness and Supply Chain Management
3. Department of Regional and Economic Development
* 4. Department of Culture and Agritourism
G. Department of Sciences
* Begin in 2020-2021