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University of Athens
Department of Regional
& Economic Development

Course Guide

The Courses Syllabus are available here

The undergraduate course of the Department of Regional and Economic Development aims to create well-qualified economists, with additional specialization in Regional Science.

In particular, the Department aims to offer comprehensive and high quality studies in Economic Science, with additional specialization in the role of space and land and in economic activity and development, in addition to conferring the status of Regional Scientist to its students.

The REGED aims to equip graduates with the skills that will enable them to pursue a successful professional career as an Economist, as well as the skills that will enable them to successfully continue their studies at postgraduate and doctoral level, and to claim a successful career in scientific research.

The studies at the REGED include the thematic fields: ECONOMIC SCIENCE, QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS and REGIONAL SCIENCE. The successful completion of the curriculum requires the successful examination of 48 courses (44 compulsory and 4 elective). The courses of the Undergraduate Programme of the Department of REGED can be divided into the following categories:

- Courses related to the subject of Economics,

- Courses related to Regional Science and Regional Development,

- Courses related to Mathematics and Statistics,

- Courses related to Sociology and Law,

- courses related to the teaching of foreign languages (English) and conducted as theories, with complementary laboratory applications; and

- courses related to Information Technology and conducted exclusively as laboratory courses.

The duration of the undergraduate studies at the P.O.A. is 4 years (8 semesters) and the degree is completed with 240 credit points (ECTS):

In the 1st year, students must accumulate 60 credits (30 ECTS per semester), equivalent to 10 compulsory courses

In the 2nd year, students must accumulate 60 credits (30 ECTS per semester), equivalent to 10 compulsory courses.

In the 3rd year, students must accumulate 60 Credits (30 ECTS per semester), equivalent to 10 courses (8 compulsory and 2 electives).

In the 4th year, students must accumulate 60 Credits (30 ECTS per semester), equivalent to 10 courses (8 compulsory and 2 elective).

Courses in the first two semesters are credited with 6 credits each, courses in the remaining semesters are credited with 5 credits each, while no credits are counted in English. To obtain the degree, the student must accumulate 240 ECTS credits. The final grade for each course is calculated by averaging the grades of the courses in which the student has successfully passed.

See here the course outlines for the academic year 2023-24.

See here the course outline for the academic year 2023-24..

Principles of Economic Theory
Microeconomic Theory
Macroeconomic Theory
Public Finance
Economic Development
Labor Economics
Industrial Organization
Energy Economics
Economic History
Business Finance & Accounting
Investment Evaluation & Financial Decisions
Tourism Economics
Economics of the Real Estate Market
Mathematics for Economists
Computer Programming
Spatial Econometrics
Methods in Regional Analysis
Geographic Information Systems
Introduction to Regional Science
Regional Economics
Urban Economics
Institutions & Policies in Regional Development
Economic Development
Environmental Economics & Environmental Goods Assesment
Tourism Development
Spatial Planning
Local Development & Self-Governance
The duration of undergraduate courses the REGED Department is 4 years (8 semesters) and the students are qualified for a degree after collecting 240 credits (ECTS):
Students must collect 60 ECTS (30 per semester), which are equivalent to 10 compulsory courses

1st year

Students should collect 60 ECTS (30 ECTS per semester), which are equivalent to 10 compulsory courses.

2nd year

Students should collect 60 ECTS (30 ECTS per semester), which are equivalent to 10 courses (8 compulsory and 2 optional).

3rd year

Students should collect 60 ECTS (30 ECTS per semester), which are equivalent to 10 courses (8 compulsory and 2 optional).

4th year

Courses Program - Exams

Courses hour timetable

The courses timetable for the spring semester 2021-22 can be found here.

Exam timetable

The exam timetable for the spring semester 2021-22 can be found here.

Qualifying Exams Timetable

The Qualifying Exams timetable for the spring semester 2021-22 can be found here.

Course Timeline

The Course Timeline of the academic year 2022-23 can be found here

Course & Exam Periods

The Course & Exam Periods for the students of all AUA Departments and the former Technological Institute TEI of Central Greece for the academic year 2022-2023 is as follows:

1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th semesters of Academic year 2022-2023

Start of courses: October 3, 2022

Course ends: December 22, 2022

Christmas holidays: 23.12.2022 – 06.01.2023

Start of courses: January 9, 2023

Course ends: January 20, 2023

Start of exams: January 23, 2023

Passing exams: February 24, 2023

2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semesters of Academic year 2022-2023

2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semesters of Academic year 2022-2023

Start of courses: February 28, 2023

Course ends: April 7, 2023

Easter holidays: 10.04.2023 – 21.04.2023

Start of courses: April 24, 2023

Course ends: June 9, 2023

Start of exams: June 12, 2023

Passing exams: July 14, 2023

Examination Period September 2023

Start: 30 August 2023

Expires: September 29, 2023

Registration Transfers

According to Law 4692/2020 the University students who were legally registered in a Department, have the right to transfer their registration as long as they meet the conditions defined in articles 72-79 of the above law.

The Department B of Student Affairs, of the AUA, deals with all kinds of issues related to Student Affairs, such as registrations, transfers, awarding of degrees, excursions, scholarships, loans, health care, feeding and in general all kinds of benefits to undergraduate students.

Department of Student Affairs of the Agricultural University of Athens

Deputy Head:

Stratou Fiorentina, PE Administrative Finance, tel: 210-529 4929, email:


Fotini Kotsoni, Department of Administrative Secretaries, tel: 2105294918, email:

 Head of the Secretariat of the REGED Department

Argyroula Lytra

Phone: 2265072268 - Email:


According to Law 4692/2020 (Government Gazette 111, 12 June 2020/T-A), students of universities and universities of applied sciences who are enrolled in departments of universities and universities of applied sciences, either through their success in the national level examinations of G.E.L. or EPA.L., or through the exercise of the right of access, have the right to transfer if they meet the requirements set out in Articles 72-79 of the above law.
The Department B' of Student Care, of the AUA, deals with all matters concerning Student Care, such as registration, transfers, awarding of titles, excursions, scholarships, loans, health care, food and generally all kinds of benefits for undergraduate students.

Department of Student Affairs of the AUA

Associate Supervisor:
Stratou Fiorentina, MA in Administrative Finance, tel: 210-529 4929, email:

Kotsoni Fotini, DE Administrative Secretary, tel: 2105294918, email: fkotsoni@aua.qr

Head of the Secretariat of the REGED Department
Argyroula Lytra, phone: 2265072268 - Email:


The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) participates in student and staff exchange programs, with the European Program ERASMUS+/ KA1: Learning Mobility.

The REGED actively participates in the ERASMUS+ Program.

In this context, bilateral agreements have been signed with Universities based in the Program countries. See here (ΠΟΑ-2022-23_update.pdf) the relevant list.

Through the bilateral agreements, there are annual staff exchanges for teaching purposes and of students for training and practical training purposes.

In particular, the objectives of student mobility within the framework of ERASMUS+ are:

  • the provision of opportunities for students to benefit, from a linguistic, cultural, and educational point of view, from the experience of other European countries and from the subjects of study offered,
  • the enrichment of the educational environment of the host institution,
  • the promotion of cooperation between Institutions, which exchange students,
  • the contribution to the enrichment of society in general, with the training of young people with high specialization, broad perceptions and international experience, who will be the professionals of the future,
  • contributing to mobility costs and providing opportunities to undertake a period of study abroad for students who would otherwise not be able to do so.

The students and staff members of the Department actively participate in these actions.

In charge for the REGED Department’s ERASMUS+ issues is Ms. Anna Ftouli, Lecturer, (

All related information regarding the opportunities of the Program and the process of participating in the Program are available on the website of the European Programs Office (

Certificate Issuance

The issuance of the following certificates:

  • Course Certificate
  • Course Certificate for Conscription
  • Analytical Grade Certificate

will be issued online through the following way:

your passwords,

  • Select Certificates → Certificate Requests (select the certificate you need) → Certificate Request.

Then, in one or two working days, the Secretariat will post the certificate in the ELECTRONIC STUDENT LOGISTICS so that you can save it on your computer and print it.



You can receive all other certificated by e-mail, ONLY upon request from your institutional e-account to which you connect with your passwords, to the Secretariat's email as follows:

  1. LOGIN TO 
  4. TEXT: the type of attestation/certificate you need
  5. SIGNATURE: full name and registration number (A.M.)

* The above procedure concerns the students admitted to the Department, until the academic year 2020-2021

Students registered to the REGED Department after the academic year 2021-2022 follow the address Studies (study and education) à WEB SERVICES à e-student 

From the Secretariat of the REGED Department

Student Affairs

Registrations - Registration Renewals

The registration of registered undergraduate students is conducted online through the website, of the Ministry of Education and Religion (MIN.EDU), by submitting their online registration application and all supporting documents provided for the law, within the deadlines specified by the Ministry of Health.

The registration completion is carried out by the verification of supporting documents by the Secretariat of the REGED Department. Every first-year student with an online application obtains the academic identity through the MIN.EDU website.

After the end of each semester, the student is obliged to register for the next semester and declare the courses he wishes to be examined by submitting an online application on the University’s website (

The registration period for winter semesters is usually between September 1 and October 15 and for spring semesters between January 10-25.

Students are required to declare the optional courses of the semesters. The declaration is made at the same time as the students register for the semesters. The right to choose and supply textbooks free of charge is exercised by the undergraduate students of the Universities through the information system “EVDOXOS” ( with the same credentials (username, password, etc.) as in their University account.

See here the REGED Department’s Announcements for Registrations - Renewals for the winter semester 2022-23 

Academic ID

Information about an academic ID can be found in the website of the Ministry of Education (MINEDU)

The new academic ID card is valid for as many years as the student status lasts and has multiple uses, in addition to the Student Ticket (Pass).

The IDs will be delivered to the pick-up point chosen by each student when submitting their application, without any financial burden. 


Course Guide
Courses Program - Exams
Certificate Issuance
Student Affairs



Incorporated into the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Law 4589 - Government Gazette 13/A/29.01.2019. Originally it belonged to the School of Management and Economics of the former Technical University of Central Greece. 
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