University of Athens
Department of Regional
& Economic Development

[6316] Agricultural Economics

Course Content

Analysis of preference and utility theory. Demand for agricultural products. Elasticity of demand for agricultural products. Analysis of factors of production. Agricultural land. Work. Capital. Reference and development in the characteristics that structure the agricultural sector. Market and its structure. Perfect competition model. Short run equilibrium of the firm. Agricultural enterprise supply curves. Industry balance. Intervention policies. Implementation measures. Impact analysis on agricultural exploitation. Market impact analysis. International Economic Relations. Operation of the agricultural area in volatile market conditions. International trade relations. Their importance and their contribution to the strengthening of rural entrepreneurship in Greece. The concept of integration and its importance in the rural area and in the rural economy.

Learning results

The learning outcomes of the course are:

To develop economic thinking adapted to the data of the real market of the rural area.

Understand the economic environment in which an agricultural business operates and analyze its parameters.

To analyze and evaluate the possibilities of development and evolution


Βασικά διδακτικά εγχειρίδια:

  • Αγροτική οικονομική. Λιανός Θεόδωρος, Δαμιανός Δημήτριος, Μέργος Γεώργιος, Ντεμούσης Μιχαήλ, Κατρανίδης Στυλιανός. Εκδόσεις Μπένου. Δ΄ έκδοση -2016.
  • Akimowicz, M., Richard, V.J., Cummings, H, and Landman, K. (2018). An introduction to mixed methods research in agricultural economics: The example of farm investment in Ontario's Greenbelt, Canada. Journal of Rural Studies 61, 162–174.
  • de Brauw, A. and Hoffmann, V. (2020). The influence of the 2019 nobel prize winners on agricultural economics. World Development 127, 104793.
  • Menegaki, A.N, and Tugcu, C.T. (2018). Two versions of the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) in the energy-growth nexus for selected Asian countries. Sustainable Consumption and Production, 14, 22-35.
  • Menegaki, A.N, and Tugcu, C.T. (2017). Energy consumption and Sustainable Economic Welfare in G7 countries; A comparison with the conventional nexus. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review 69, 892-901. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.133

Potts, J, and Kastelle, T. (2017). Economics of innovation in Australian agricultural economics and policy. Economic Analysis and Policy, 54, 96–104.

Educational Staff

Andreas Gkouzos
Andreas Gkouzos holds a PhD from the Department of Economic and Regional […]


Incorporated into the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Law 4589 - Government Gazette 13/A/29.01.2019. Originally it belonged to the School of Management and Economics of the former Technical University of Central Greece. It is located in Amfissa, Phocis.
The address of the Department is: New building, Nea Polis, Amfissa, P.O. Box 33100
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