Aynur (Sancaktutan) Pala graduated with an MSc, master’s and doctorate degree in Econometrics from Marmara University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, İstanbul/Türkiye, in 1997, 2002, and 2008, respectively. Aynur has fourteen years of working experience in the financial sector and thirteen years in academia. Her financial interests are fundamental analysis, firm valuation, sector analysis, technical analysis, risk maps, and firm rating. She developed algorithmic trading software with Matlab for one of the biggest private banks in Turkey, at a fintech firm in Gebze Technology Hub, Istanbul, in 2010. Since 2010, she has been employed at Istanbul Okan University as "Financial Risk Research Center", head of the Banking and Insurance Department and Foreign Trade Department. She holds the title of Assistant Professor with a focus on "Econometrics." in 2021. Since 2012, Aynur has published more than 20 scientific articles, presented her work at thirteen conferences, and authored a book in Turkish that explores the "oil and food price relation in the context of global warming." She has 325 citations and 8 H İndex in 2024. Aynur's research interests are focused on commodity prices, the environmental Kuznets curve, sustainable growth, CO2-energy-technology-growth hypothesis, heterogeneous effects of CO2 on economic growth, sovereign ratings, asset pricing, sectoral rotation, statistics, and econometrics. Now, Aynur holds the position of Associate Professor at Istanbul Okan University in the Department of International Trade.