Economist (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - 2006), MSc in Sustainable Development from the Department of Economics and Sustainable Development of the Harokopio University of Athens (2009) and Ph.D. from the same University, on “Heating and cooling of buildings with the use of renewable energy sources: Socioeconomic factors that contribute to the diffusion of ground source heat pumps (GSHP) in the residential sector” (2016). Postdoctoral research in “Energy transition towards renewable energy sources: Investigation and development of suitable social acceptance tools and policies” with a two-year scholarship from the Greek National Scholarship Foundation (2020-2021).
He has 14 years of professional experience in the preparation and implementation of projects related to Renewable Energy Sources (emphasis on geothermal energy, biomass, solar thermal, and hybrid systems), CO2 Capture & Storage, Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy, Local/ Regional Sustainable Development and Sustainable Agricultural Trade. Know-how of the implementation of business plans, techno-economic analyses, socioeconomic impact assessments (SIA), social/ socioeconomic surveys, qualitative and quantitative statistical analyses, market analyses, SWOT analyses, action plans, Life Cycle Cost Analyses (LCCA), public awareness/ acceptance/ engagement strategies, communication and dissemination plans, analyses of legislative and standardization issues, and financial and technical reports. Has participated in the implementation of more than 25 European and nationally funded projects.
Academic teaching experience in economics and statistics. More than 75 publications in peer-reviewed journals and announcements at international conferences on subjects related mainly to RES policy, social acceptance, and public awareness.