Department of
Biochemistry of Biomolecules

Biochemistry of Biomolecules



1. Introduction to Biochemistry (concepts, basic definitions, correlation with known chemical terms).
2. Teaching the module "Structure and function of proteins". Specifically explained: The amino acids that structure proteins in terms of their structure and their properties – The primary structure of proteins – The peptide bonds – The elements of secondary structure – The concept of tertiary (examples) – The quaternary structure – The association of primary sequence and tertiary structure.
3. Teaching the section "Basic principles of enzyme action", in the context of which the catalytic action of enzymes, the thermodynamic parameters that govern catalysis and the formation of the transition state are explained.
4. Teaching the section "Kinetics and regulation of enzymes", in which the kinetics of biochemical reactions, the Michaelis-Menten model (Km, Vmax, Kcat concepts), allosteric enzymes and R and T states are explained.
5. Teaching the section "Enzyme mechanisms and inhibitors", in which the ways in which enzyme activity is affected by changes in operating conditions and by the presence of different categories of inhibitors are explained.
6. Teaching the "Hemoglobin" section, in which the structure and function of a well-studied protein is explained. In more detail it is taught: The way oxygen binds to myoglobin and hemoglobin – The synergistic binding – The allosteric modification – The Bohr effect (promotion of oxygen release) – The way droplets encoding the hemoglobin subunits are involved in disease mutations.
7. Teaching the section "Carbohydrates", in the context of which the structures of monosaccharides, the various types of polysaccharides and the covalent connection of carbohydrates with proteins are explained.
8. Teaching the unit "Lipids and cell membranes". The following are taught in more detail: The fatty acids that are components of lipids – The types of membrane lipids – The spontaneous self-organization of lipids in an aqueous environment – Proteins as tools of membranes – Diffusion in membrane membranes – Internal membranes of eukaryotic cell compartments.
9. Teaching of the unit "Membrane channels and pumps", in the context of which the following are taught: The ways of transporting molecules through the membrane (active-passive transport) - The families of membrane proteins that pump molecules/ions through membranes with ATP consumption - The function of secondary transporters – Channels that transport ions rapidly across membranes – The function of gap junctions to move ions/molecules between cells – Channels that increase the permeability of membranes to water.
10. Teaching the module "Signal Transduction Processes", which teaches the transmission of signals through molecular circuits. In particular, the following are explained: The structure of heptahelical receptors – The composition of trimeric G proteins, the changes that the quaternary complex undergoes and their role in signaling – The example of insulin – The role of phosphorylation – Epidermal growth factor signaling – Some malfunctions that can lead to diseases.

1. Rules of behavior in biochemical laboratories.
2. Use of micropipettes and other laboratory equipment.
3. Preparation of solutions.
4. Buffers.
5. Methods for determining protein concentration.
6. Protein chromatography.
7. Protein electrophoresis.
8. Centrifugation.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will:

  • He has knowledge of the basic concepts and definitions of Biochemistry.
  • Has knowledge of the components and structures of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids.
  • Has knowledge of basic concepts of enzyme function and inhibition.
  • Has knowledge of basic mechanisms of function of various proteins.
  • Has knowledge of basic ways of cellular communication.
  • Has knowledge of molecular scale processes for chemical signal transduction.


Βιοχημεία Βασικές Αρχές (Stryer) Ελληνική Μετάφραση (2015) Broken Hill Publishers.
Βασική Βιοχημεία, Κωνσταντίνος Α. Δημόπουλος, Σμαραγδή Αντωνοπούλου.


210529 4374


Biotechnology is a rapidly advancing discipline which aims at exploitting the progress in life and physical sciences as well as other related fields, in developing new and advanced products, processes and services
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