Department of Food 
Science & Human Nutrition

Georgia Zoumpopoulou is a member of the teaching and research staff in the Laboratory of Dairy Research at the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition of the Agricultural University of Athens. She graduated from the Department of Food Science and Technology of the Agricultural University of Athens in 2002 and obtained her PhD from the same University in 2008. During her PhD thesis, she has obtained a Scholarship for postgraduate studies from the Marie Curie Fellowship Organization (for one year in the Laboratory of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Mucosal Immunity at the Institute Pasteur of Lille, France) and a Scholarship for postgraduate studies from the State Scholarships Foundation of Greece (Ι.Κ.Υ.). She has co-authored 31 publications in peer-reviewed journals and four book chapters. She has participated in 52 International and 18 Greek Conferences. Her research interests include probiotic properties, isolation, physiology, metabolism and technological performance of lactic acid bacteria, and she has been scientifically involved in several National and European funded projects. She is a scientific member of the ACA-DC Culture Collection of the Laboratory of Dairy Research and an active reviewer in peer-review scientific journals.

Marina Georgalaki is a member of the teaching and research associates stuff in the Laboratory of Dairy Research of the Agricultural University of Athens. She has graduated from the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition of the Agricultural University of Athens and has a MSc Degree of Applied Food Microbiology from the Universities of Caen, Brest and Rennes, France. Her PhD Thesis was elaborated in the Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology of the National Hellenic Research Foundation. She has obtained a Scholarship for Post-Doc Research from the State Scholarships Foundation of Greece (Ι.Κ.Υ.) and two patents as a member of a scientific team. She has co-authored 43 publications including 41 in refereed journals and has participated in 60 International and 40 Greek Conferences. She is an active reviewer in peer-review scientific journals. Her research interests include isolation, physiology, metabolism, probiotic properties, antimicrobial peptide production and technological performance of lactic acid bacteria, as well as biochemical and bioactive properties of olives and olive oil. She has been scientifically involved in several National and European projects. She speaks English, French and Korean at an elementary level.

Assistant professor in Dairy Science & Technology

Professor in Dairy Science
Education: PhD in Dairy Technology, Agricultural University of Athens, Diploma in Agricultural Science (Specialization in Food Science & Technology), Agricultural University of Athens

Research and Teaching expertise:
Composition, properties and biochemistry of different kinds of raw milk and dairy products made there from. Caseins and whey proteins. Dairy technology; effect of processing on the characteristics of milk and dairy products. Endogenous enzymes and milk treatments. Cheese science and technology; interventions, physicochemical and biochemical aspects, factors and course of ripening. Analysis of milk and dairy products; authenticity. Various whey types and by products resulting from dairy processing. Development of dairy products; circular products; improvement of nutritional and functional properties.
Synopsis of publications: 75 international Journals and Books, 3 national Journals, 39 Announcements in international Conferences, 11 in national Conferences, 14 in national scientific events.
Citations: >1000, h-index: 21 and i10: 38 [self-citations of all authors are excluded]
Research Projects: 5 as Principal Investigator and 11 as member of the Research Team
Other indicative scientific activities:
Member of Editorial Board of 5 SCI Journals in the field of Dairy and Food Science
Reviewer of >220 manuscripts submitted to 27 SCI Journals.
Guest Editor of 6 Special Issues in Dairy Science and Technology.


The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (renamed Department of Food Science and Technology, Decree 80/27/5/13, Government Gazette A119 28/5/13) offers its students the scientific background for a rational approach to scientific and technological issues related to the food sector.
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