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Department of Food 
Science & Human Nutrition



1) Statistical approach: a brief overview.
2) Useful counting rules (multiplication principle, permutations, k-permutations, combinations).
3) Practical notion of probability; basic probability tools.
4) Conditional probability (multiplication rule; law of the total probability; Bayes theorem); Independence.
5) Random variables (cumulative distribution function; discrete and continuous random variables; probability function; probability density function; mean and variance).
6) Useful discrete distributions (Bernoulli; Binomial; Poisson).
7) Useful continuous distributions (Normal, χ2, t and F).
8) Central limit theorem.
9) The role of probability in statistics.
10) Descriptive statistics (frequency table, numerical descriptive measures, barchart, piechart, box plot, histograms).
11) Sampling distributions.
12) Estimation; point estimation (properties of an estimator); interval estimation (confidence intervals for a (difference of) population mean (s) or proportion (s)).
13) Testing hypotheses for a (difference of) population mean (s) or proportion (s)).
14) Analysis of variance (single-factor ANOVA; two-factor ANOVA).
15) Goodness-of-fit test; Chi-Square test of independence.

Learning results

Upon completion of this course, the student is expected to be able to:

  • distinguish stochastic and deterministic phenomena and experiments
  • using enumeration methods and basic probability tools
  • apply simple probability calculus
  • recognize the practical value and importance of probabilities in the understanding of stochastic phenomena and experiments
  • describe and summarize data
  • translate a research question into a statistical hypothesis when given a data group and the type of experimental design or sampling procedure
  • apply estimation and testing methods in order to make data-based decisions
  • identify the selected method’s assumptions and keep in mind that it is required to apply checks for them
  • comprehend and interpret correctly the statistical significance
  • interpret results correctly, effectively, and in context without relying on statistical jargon
  • comprehend the notion of uncertainty which is always contained in statistical inference
  • critique data-based claims and evaluate data-based decisions
  • complete a research project that employs simple statistical inference
  • comply to ethical issues.


1. Παπαδόπουλος, Γ. Κ., Εισαγωγή στις Πιθανότητες και τη Στατιστική, Εκδόσεις Gutenberg, 2015
2. Κουνιάς, Σ., Κολυβά-Μαχαίρα, Φ., Μπαγιάτης, Κ. και Μπόρα-Σέντα, Ε., Εισαγωγή στη Στατιστική, Εκδόσεις Χριστοδουλίδη, Θεσσαλονίκη.
3. Κούτρας, Μ. Β., Εισαγωγή στις Πιθανότητες-Θεωρία και Εφαρμογές, Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη, 2002.
4. Zar, J.H., Biostatistical Analysis, Prentice Hall, Fifth Edition, 2010.


The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (renamed Department of Food Science and Technology, Decree 80/27/5/13, Government Gazette A119 28/5/13) offers its students the scientific background for a rational approach to scientific and technological issues related to the food sector.
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