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Department of Food 
Science & Human Nutrition

Microbial Biotechnology


1) Historic considerations and presentations / economics of microbial biotechnology
2) Basic sectors and applications of microbial biotechnology
3) Microorganism genetics, mutagenesis, recombinant DNA tools
4) Genetic engennering of microorganisms and its application in Microbial Biotechnology
5) Omic technologies and their applications in Microbial Biotechnology
6) Microbial genomes and Bacteriophages
7) Typical fermentations and transformations and their applications in food and white biotechnology; lactic acid fermentation; alcohol fermentation; formic fermentation; 2,3-butanediol fermentation; 1,3-propanediol fermentation; ABE fermentation; acetic acid fermentation; malolactic bioconversion
8) Microbial food biotechnology: production of bread, vinegar, alcoholic beverages, olives, fermented vegetables
9) Microbial biotechnology for added-value chemicals: production technologies of single-cell protein, single-cell oil, alcohols, organic acids, etc
10) Other applications of Microbial Biotechnology: Industrial production of aminoacids (the example of Corynebacterium glutamicum, edible mushrooms.

Learning results

Upon successful completion of this course the students will acquire new knowledge and
specific skills on the following subjects:

Basic overview of a broad spectrum of Microbial Biotechnology applications,
socioeconomical impact.

  • Understand the basic genetic of microorganisms and the respective tools for applying
    microbial genetic engineering
  • Appreciate the significance of -omic technologies in modern microbial biotechnology
  • Usage of microorganisms in Industrial fermentations
  • Knowledge and expertise of the enzyme and microbial technology and the microbial
    biotransformations related to the production of food-based products and to the
    applications of white biotechnology
  • Knowledge and methodologies of the microbial and enzyme technology related to the
    food biotechnology and the industrial biotechnology
  • Metabolism and added value compounds produced by microorganisms used in
    industrial scale fermentations. Optimization of production using biotechnological
  • Perspectives of modern Microbial Biotechnology in production of bioenergy and
    biochemical or bioactive high added value materials, amino acids and alternative food


BROCK Biology of Microorganisms", Authors: Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, Kelly S. Bender, Daniel H. Buckley, David A. Stahl, 2018.

Relevant Scientific Journals:
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Bioresource Technology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Applied Microbiology and biotechnology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Biotechnology


The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (renamed Department of Food Science and Technology, Decree 80/27/5/13, Government Gazette A119 28/5/13) offers its students the scientific background for a rational approach to scientific and technological issues related to the food sector.
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