Department of Food 
Science & Human Nutrition

Marketing of Livestock Products


• Introduction to Agricultural Products and Food Marketing
• Analysis of Agricultural Products and Food Marketing planning
• Marketing Research
• Consumer buying behavior
• Market segmentation and product positioning (placement)
• Product strategy
• Pricing strategy and pricing systems
• Price management through futures and options markets
• Distribution system strategy
• Communication and promotion strategy
• Implementation of Agricultural Products and Food Marketing program
• Agricultural Products and Food Marketing Results

Learning results

This course is the main introductory course in the concepts of Marketing of Agricultural Products and Food. It deals with issues of traditional Marketing of Agricultural Products and Food, but it takes into consideration the ways in which the process of Marketing of Agricultural Products and Food has changed the last decades.

Furthermore, the course highlights the role of Marketing in the markets of agricultural products and food by presenting current trends and marketing applications in these markets. Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to understand:

  • the basic concepts of Agricultural Products and Food Marketing
  • the process and levels of planning of Agricultural Products and Food Marketing
  • how Marketing Research is done
  • the importance of knowing consumer behavior
  • the definition of market segmentation criteria, ways of selecting the target market and product positioning in the mind of the consumer
  • what is a product, product classification, brand, and product packaging
  • the concept of price, selling price, pricing strategies and tactics and external factors that affect the price
  • how futures and options markets work
  • the purpose of the distribution system and the main market players, including wholesalers and retailers
  • the marketing mix as a means of communication, the communication process and the elements of the promotion mix and how it is selected
  • the transformation of the Marketing strategy into a Marketing activity in the agricultural products and food business
  • The process of evaluating the Marketing results that arise in the agri-food business


− Perreault W (2011) BASIC MARKETING: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach, 9th Edition. Publishers: BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD
− Norwood B., Lusk J. (2012) Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis. Publishers: BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD
− G. Pertrof, Κ. and Α. Tzortzaki (2002) Marketing Management. Publishers: ROSILI ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ - ΕΚΔΟΤΙΚΗ Μ.ΕΠΕ

Scientific journals:
− Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing
− European Review of Agricultural Economics
− Journal of Agricultural Economics
− American Journal of Agricultural Economics
− Agricultural Economics
− Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics


The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (renamed Department of Food Science and Technology, Decree 80/27/5/13, Government Gazette A119 28/5/13) offers its students the scientific background for a rational approach to scientific and technological issues related to the food sector.
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