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Department of Food 
Science & Human Nutrition

Food Preservation


1. Course Structure/Requirements. Introduction to Principles of Food Preservation.
2. Brief presentation of the methods of food preservation. Modern trends.
3. Introduction to thermal processes of foods. Heat resistance of microorganisms (and other heat-sensitive agents). Reaction kinetics (of thermal destruction).
4. Equivalent processes. Definition of the F process value. Optimization of thermal processes for the case of constant product temperature.
5. General principles and methods for F value determination. Time-temperature integrators (TTI). Application of TTI for the determination of the shelf life of products under refrigeration.
6. Determination of the required F value from "total destruction" data. Calculation of the process F value with mathematical methods for special cases.
7. Control and design of thermal processes. Calculation of the time required for commersial sterilization.
8. High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing. Principles, kinetic analysis, equipment. Similarities and differences with the analysis presented for the design and control of thermal processes.
9. Food preservation by cooling. Reaction kinetic. Determination of the shelf life of products stored under refrigeration.
10. Engineering aspects. Calculation of the time required for cooling of a product (at a given final temperature). Similarities and differences with the analysis presented for the design and control of thermal processes.
11. Food preservation by freezing.
12. Principles of food preservation by drying.
13. Summary. Topics of special interest.

Learning results

The course is a basic introductory course on the principles of food preservation. The course material includes: Causes of food spoilage. General principles of food preservation. Thermal processing. Reaction kinetics of (thermal) destruction and quality deterioration of foods. Design of thermal processes. High hydrostatic pressure processing. Drying. Low temperature preservation (chilling, freezing). Emphasis is given to the design of thermal processes, which is used as a teaching model for other preservation technologies.

Upon successful completion of this course the student will become familiar with the various technologies of food preservation with emphasis be given on the safety and quality of the final product. The student will be able to quantify the changes on the quality factors and safety parameters that take place in the product during the various preservation processes.


1. Mπλούκας Ι., Επεξεργασία και Συντήρηση Τροφίμων, Εκδόσεις ΣΤΑΜΟΥΛΗΣ Α.Ε., ΑΘΗΝΑ, 2004.
2. Ρόδης Π., Μέθοδοι Συντήρησης Τροφίμων, Εκδόσεις ΣΤΑΜΟΥΛΗΣ Α.Ε., ΑΘΗΝΑ, 1995.


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The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (renamed Department of Food Science and Technology, Decree 80/27/5/13, Government Gazette A119 28/5/13) offers its students the scientific background for a rational approach to scientific and technological issues related to the food sector.
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