Department of Food 
Science & Human Nutrition

Dairy Technology ΙΙ – Cheese Science


1. The role and prospects of cheese in Greek and world food production. Cheese manufacturing units
2. Raw materials. Coagulation of milk
3. Microbial cultures and types of microorganisms in cheese
4. Production stages of cheese
5. Categories of cheese-Part I
6. Categories of cheese-Part II
7. Cheese ripening
8. Packaging, preservation, composition and cheese yield
9. Physical and organoleptic properties of cheese
10. Defects of cheeses and problem solving
11. Whey: Composition, properties, exploitation
12. Processed cheese and other dairy products
13. Current trends in Cheese Technology

Laboratory courses/exercises
Ten to thirteen Laboratory Exercises with the active participation of students on semi-pilot production, evaluation of various types of cheese and problem solving.

Learning results

The objective of the lesson is the integrated presentation of cheese science and technology.
At the end of studies, the student:

  • will have understood the complex mechanisms involved in cheese curd and ripening and whey treatment.
  • will have obtained practical experience in the production of the major groups of cheese.
  • will have the ability to combine different types of processing and evaluate their results on cheese manufacture and properties.
  • will be able to plan and organize the production of typical and specialty cheese products.
  • will be able to organize and implement a whey exploitation scheme.


Selections of textbooks that are available through the online service "EVDOXOS"
− Anifantakis. E. (2004). [Cheese (Chemistry - Physical Chemistry - Microbiology)], A. Stamoulis Editions, Athens. In Greek.
− Bintsis Th. and Papadimas F. (2009) [Cheese]. P. Psychalos & Co. Publishing Ο.Ε. Athens. In Greek.
<strongOther suggestions
− Eck A. & Gillis J.C. (2000) Cheesemaking: from Science to Quality Assurance. 2nd Ed., Lavoisier.
− Walstra P., Vouters J. & Geurts, T. (2006) Dairy Science and Technology, 2nd Ed., CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group.
− Law B.A. & Tamime A.Y. (2010) Technology of Cheesemaking. 2nd Ed., Blackwell Publishing Ltd - John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
− McSweeney P.L.H., Fox P.F., Cotter P.D. & Everett D.W. (2017) Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology. 4th Ed., Academic Press - Elsevier Ltd.
− Puniya A.K. (2016) Fermented milk and dairy products. CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group.
− Papademas P. & Bintsis T. (2018) Global Cheesemaking Technology: Cheese Quality and Characteristics. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
<strongScientific Journals
− Journal of Dairy Science
− Journal of Dairy Research
− International Dairy Journal
− Dairy Science and Technology
− International Journal of Dairy Technology
− Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies
− Foods
− Dairy


Assistant professor in Dairy Science & Technology
Professor in Dairy ScienceEducation: PhD in Dairy Technology, Agricultural University of Athens, Diploma in […]


The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (renamed Department of Food Science and Technology, Decree 80/27/5/13, Government Gazette A119 28/5/13) offers its students the scientific background for a rational approach to scientific and technological issues related to the food sector.
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