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Department of Food 
Science & Human Nutrition

Cell Biology


1) The cellular basis of life
2) The origin and evolution of the cells (paleobiology)
3) Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells (similarities and differences)
4) Comparison of plant and animal cells
5) Cell functions and processes
6) Cell membranes
7) The nucleus (the nuclear envelope, internal organization, the nucleolus)
8) The endoplasmic reticulum and protein processing
9) The Golgi apparatus (structure and function)
10) Lysosomes (endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis)
11) Cytoskeleton (microtubules, intermediate and actin filaments)
12) Mitochondria, chloroplasts and peroxisomes
13) Cell walls (structural proteins, plasmodesmata, gap junctions, desmosomes and tight junctions)
14) Nerve cell

Learning results

This course aims to introduce students to basic principles of Cell Biology. A description of the possible origin and evolution of life will be given, the ultrastructure of the eukaryotic cell (nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, plastids, chloroplasts, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, cytoskeleton, membranes etc) will be covered in detail, and cell behavior in vivo and in vitro will be discussed.
Students will also be introduced to foundamental cell biology techniques and will gain an understanding of how they are applied to specific problems in cell biology.
This course will provide an invaluable foundation for more specialized courses that the students will encounter in later semesters.
On completion of the course the student should:

  • Learn about the basic structures of the eukaryotic cells and relate them to their cellular functions
  • Learn about how the complexity and diversity exhibited by present-day cells evolved
  • Acquire knowledge towards to current methods and experimental techniques used in cellular biology research
  • Be able to match the proper microscopy techniques with the specimen or the process he/she would like to observe
  • Develop critical thinking and presentation skills by delivering a report and/or presenting a scientific paper


- Suggested textbooks:
• The Cell. A molecular approach (6th edition) G.M. Cooper & R.E. Hausman (2013) Sinauer Associates.
• Essential Cell Biology (4th edition). Alberts, B., Bray, D., Hopkins, K., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., and Walter, P. (2014) New York: Garland Press.

Συναφή επιστημονικά περιοδικά:
• Molecular Cell
• The Plant Cell
• Development
• Developmental Cell
• New Phytologist
• Plant Journal


The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (renamed Department of Food Science and Technology, Decree 80/27/5/13, Government Gazette A119 28/5/13) offers its students the scientific background for a rational approach to scientific and technological issues related to the food sector.
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