Number of Undergraduate Students
Academic Year: 2016-2018
Number of Postgraduate Students
Number of Phd Students
With regard to mobility, EU‐CONEXUS aims at a significant increase of students and staff mobility following the idea of “more mobility for more Europe” and building on the success of the Erasmus+ programme. The mobility of students and staff is embedded at all levels, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral, as a standard feature. At least 50% of the students within the alliance should benefit from such mobility, be it physical, virtual or blended. EU-CONEXUS, being European University alliance, is committed to work towards achieving relevant policy objectives of the European Education Area, such as: multilingualism; automatic recognition of academic qualifications and learning periods abroad provided for by the participating higher education institutions within the alliance; the use of the European Student Card, once fully operational; as well as the Bologna key commitments (quality assurance, recognition and three cycle degree).
Mobility through EU-CONEXUS
Dear students,
The EU‐CONEXUS alliance is committed to implement the idea of “more mobility for more Europe”, or as we can interpret it „more Europe and more opportunities for our students“. Come and join us, become part of our story that is only at the beginning, but it is a story that is here to stay!
You are invited to make the most of this, you are invited to go abroad and study at one of the partners of the European University EU-CONEXUS. The invitation is open, choose one of the innovative study programmes adapted to the needs of the labour market, come and feel and live in the multicultural environment of the European Union. Besides the high quality study programmes, the mobility through EU-CONEXUS will enrich you in every possible aspect, giving you the possibility to graduate in the „school of life“.
This is your time, join us and make the most of it!