Dr. Dimitris ZIANIS graduated from the Forestry Department of the Technological Education Institute of Kavala in 1997. He obtained his MSc degree in the University of Aberdeen (1999) and completed his PhD studies (2003) in Forest Ecology and Biometry in the Institute of Ecology and Resource Management (IERM, University of Edinburgh).
He has participated in several research projects funded by national and European programmes (COST E21, FP6, FP7, INTERREG) and worked as a research fellow in the Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA), the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh), the Greek Forest Research Institute (FRI), TEI of Kavala, and TEI of Larissa. He was employed as a forester (permanent position) in the Greek Forest Service in 2009 and in April 2016 he became a member of Laboratory staff in TEI of Thessaly. In 2021 he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Forestry and Management of Natural Environment in the Agricultural University of Athens.
He is the first author in 11 articles published in scientific journals, a co-author in two scientific papers and wrote two chapters for books related to Ecology. In total he has more than 1050 citations. His research interests focus on forest inventory and estimating net ecosystem productivity of forest resources using the following three approaches: Analysis of trees and stands based on fractal geometry; Spatial modeling of abiotic factors that affect forest productivity; Mechanical implications of tree growth and development. He is a reviewer for Forest Ecology and Management, Annals of Botany, Silva Fennica, Trees, European Journal of Forest Research, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research and PLoS.