Department of Rural
Agricultural Economy

Agricultural Extension


Systems and philosophy of Agricultural Extension
ii. Factors and prerequisites for the success of Agr. Extension
iii. Worldwide evolution and trends of Agr. Extension
iv. Evolution and trends of Agr. Extension in Greece
v. Adoption and diffusion of innovations: Rogers’ model
vi. Adoption and diffusion of innovations: the Farming Systems approach
vii. The Agr. Extension programme
viii. Communication for Agr. Extension (communication for innovation)
ix. Evaluation in Agr. Extension

Learning results

Τhe lesson aims at the familiarization of students with the concepts, methodologies and practice of the diffusion of innovations (knowledge and know-how) in agriculture (Agricultural Extension).

By successfully completing the course students will be able to:

  • Describe, distinguish and explain the fundamental concepts, theories/approaches and (communication) methodologies of Agricultural Extension.
  • Select and justify the appropriate (communication) techniques and aides which under certain circumstances will secure the success of a given Agricultural Extension programme.
  • Develop appropriate (short- and medium-term) objectives, the (work) plan and the evaluation of an Agricultural Extension programme.

Cooperate with peers to collect appropriate materials so as to put together and present a piece of work related to the course contents/interests.


Panagiotou, Α. (2002) Agricultural Extension, AUA.
Siardos, G. (2018) Agricultural Extension: the advisory work of rural development agencies, Zitis Eds., Thesssaloniki
Siardos, G. & Κoutsouris, Α. (2011) Sustainable Agriculture & Development (3rd ed.), Zygos Eds., Thessaloniki.
Darnhofer, I., Gibbon, D. and Dedieu, B. (eds.) (2012). The farming systems approaches into the 21st century: The new dynamic, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Leeuwis, C. (2004) Communication for Rural Innovation, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
The Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension
The Journal of Extension
The Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education
Proceedings of IFSA/Europe Group Symposia


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots […]


It is the only Greek University Department with the objective of training agroeconomists able to meet the demands of this new period in Greek agriculture which was inaugurated with the entry of Greece into the E.U.
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