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Department of Agribusiness
& Supply Chain Management

Angelos Liontakis

Brief Curriculum Vitae

Assistant Professor. According to Google Scholar, his published work includes 50 publications in the fields of agricultural/rural economics and regional development. His research mainly focuses on maritime economics, investment appraisal in rural areas, economic risk and uncertainty in agricultural production, exploration of socio-economic phenomena and impacts occurring in rural areas, and finally, on the productivity and technical efficiency of agricultural and livestock farms and fishing enterprises. He has 309 citations for his published work, and his research impact index (h-index) is 9. He has participated in 15 research projects funded by European and national programs, of which he is the scientific coordinator for two. He has taught in the undergraduate program of the Department of Agricultural Business Management the following courses: 1) Introduction to Agricultural Economics, 2) Organization and Management of Agricultural Enterprises I, 3) Organization and Management of Agricultural Enterprises II, 4) Microeconomic Theory, and 5) Macroeconomic Theory. Additionally, he has taught at the undergraduate level in other departments the courses: 1) Special Topics in Statistics, 2) Statistics I, 3) Statistics III, 4) Econometrics I, 5) Management and Marketing of Agritourism Enterprises. Finally, at the postgraduate level, he has taught Microeconomic Theory."


5405 - Intoduction to Agricultural Economics

Hours per week: 4
Credits: 5
The aim of the course is:  to highlight the special characteristics of agricultural products […]

5802 - Farm Management II

Hours per week: 4
Credits: 5
The aim of the course is:  to complete the technical and economic analysis of […]

5701 - Farm Management I

Hours per week: 4
Credits: 5
The aim of the course is:  The knowledge and understanding of the concepts, definitions […]

5612 - Environmental Policy and Environmental Economics in Agricultural Business

Hours per week: 4
Credits: 5
The specific course deals with the principles that govern the formulation of environmental policy […]

Research Programs

Investigating the benefits of a unified digital vegetable auction in Ierapetra

01-07-2023 - 30-06-2024
Budget: 37.200
The study's purpose is to investigate the benefits of a unified digital auction process […]
Angelos Liontakis
2262022569 (Office Hours: Tuesday 13.00-15.00 and Friday 11.00-13.00)


The Department was created in 2019 (article 20, Law 4589/2019) and is an evolution of the Supply Systems Management Department (D.S.E.). Housed in a 770 sq.m. building. within a plot with a total area of 8,000 sq.m. in facilities with extensive research and teaching spaces.
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