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Department of Agribusiness
& Supply Chain Management

5103 - Plant botany (systematics - anatomy & morphology)


    1. Introduction and Basic Principles in Botany (object, purposes, methodology).
    2. Classification and characteristics of Angiosperms, their evolution and the advantages of their spread.
    3. Presentation of the molecular composition of plants.
    4. Description and presentation of plant cells.
    5. Description of plant tissues.
    6. Analysis of the structure, function and morphology of the root of the main cultivated plants and weeds of our country.
    7. Analysis of the structure, function and morphology of the shoots of the main cultivated plants and weeds of our country.
    8. Analysis of the structure, function and morphology of the leaves of the main cultivated plants and weeds of our country.
    9. Description of the morphology of the flowers of the most important cultivated plants and weeds and their role.
    10. Description of pollination, fertilization of plants.
    11. Description of the fruits of the main cultivated plants and weeds of our country.
    12. Description of the structure and analysis of the sperm function of the plants.
    13. Description of the photosynthesis, respiration and evaporation of plants.

Learning results

The aim of the course is:

• Τo teach students the levels of organization of a plant organism (cell-tissue-organs), with particular emphasis on the main morphological and anatomical characteristics of the most important (in terms of cultivated areas) cultivated plant species (field crops, fruits and vegetables) but also the most important weed species of Greek flora.

• To present the principle methods of classification of plant organisms.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

• Recognize plants of agricultural interest, understand their basic morphological and anatomical features and their basic physiological and developmental functions.

• Become familiar with the diversity of plant organisms and in particular the diversity of flowers, inflorescences, leaves, shoots and roots of angiosperms.

• Understand plant classification terminology.


Suggested Bibliography in Greek Language:

    • Τσέκος Ι., Ηλίας Η. (2007) Μορφολογία και Ανατομία Φυτών. Εκδοτικός Οίκος Αδελφών Κυριακίδη Α.Ε.
    • Simpson, G.S. (2015). Συστηματική των Φυτών. Εκδόσεις Utopia.
    • Andreas Bartels (2011). Φυτά της Μεσογείου. ISBN: 9789604574681, σελ. 366.
    • Αϊβαλάκης, Γ., Καραμπουρνιώτης Γ., Φασσέας Κ. (2005). Γενική Βοτανική. Εκδόσεις Εμβρυο
    • Μπαμπαλώνας Δ., Κοκκίνη Σ. (2004). Συστηματική Βοτανική: φυλογενετική – φαινετική προσέγγιση της ταξινόμησης των φυτικών οργανισμών. Εκδόσεις Αϊβάζη. Θεσσαλονίκη, σελ. 421.
    • Σαρλής, Γ.Π. (1999). Συστηματική Βοτανική. Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη

Suggested Bibliography in English Language:

    • Datta, S. C. (1988). Systematic botany. New Age International.

 Related academic Journals:

    • Annals of applied biology
    • Annals of Botany
    • Journal of Experimental Botany
    • Journal of Plant Physiology
    • Plant Science

     Instructor's Notes


The Department was created in 2019 (article 20, Law 4589/2019) and is an evolution of the Supply Systems Management Department (D.S.E.). Housed in a 770 sq.m. building. within a plot with a total area of 8,000 sq.m. in facilities with extensive research and teaching spaces.
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