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Department of Agribusiness
& Supply Chain Management

5803 - International Export Marketing


    1. Introduction to International Marketing - Objectives and Purpose
    2. The Global Business Environment
    3. Cultural Environment and Culture
    4. The International Political Environment
    5. The International Legal Environment
    6. The International Economic Environment
    7. International Marketing and Research
    8. Multi-national and Global Business
    9. Export marketing plan
    10. Export paths and grey situations
    11. International Product Policy
    12. International View
    13. International Distribution

A combination of teaching and learning methods will be used, aiming at the active participation of the students and the practical application of the thematic units under examination; there will also be lectures using audiovisual media, discussions, and analyses of case studies on real business issues, experiential (group) activities, as well as projections of relevant videos.

The students will also undertake an individual or group project.

Furthermore, articles, audiovisual lecture materials, web links/addresses, useful information, case studies and exercises for further practice are posted in digital form on the AUA Open e-Class platform.

Learning results

The aim of the course is: 

The purpose of the lesson is to present a succinct scientific approach to Marketing strategies followed by companies that have penetrated or intend to expand to foreign markets. It analyzes how to make business internationalization decisions in a globalized environment and describes the impacts of international trade, FDI and multinationals in the countries in which they operate.

Examines sources of information from primary and secondary elements of an International Marketing Information System, describes alternative strategies for foreign market penetration and the factors that influence them and analyzes product, pricing, communication and promotion strategies. international markets.

Finally, the process of international strategic marketing planning and planning is described

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Know the basic problems and practices of international marketing.
  • Analyze and oversee the key aspects and dimensions of understanding the nature of the process of modern international marketing management
  • Distinguish important parameters for the role of international marketing in the past, present and future.
  • Gain an understanding of the impact of international marketing on domestic economic policy.
  • Recognize and manage issues in the international cultural environment that influence the development of international marketing practices.
  • Understand the role of economic, legal, social and political forces in international marketing strategy.
  • Understand the role of market research for export and international companies in the marketing decision-making process.
  • Analyze the elements of the international marketing mix with particular emphasis on specific procedures and techniques related to the international export marketing.


Suggested Bibliography in Greek Language:

  • Πανηγυράκης Γιώργος, (2013), Διεθνές Μάρκετινγκ, Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη, Αθήνα, (in Greek).
  • Πανηγυράκης Γιώργος και Μουρδουκούτας Πάνος, (1999), Ιαπωνική Διοικητική και Μάρκετινγκ, Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη, Αθήνα.
  • Cateora, Philip, R., Graham, JohnL., (2003), Διεθνές Μάρκετινγκ, Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.
  • Suggested Bibliography in English Language:

  • Cateora, Philip, R., Graham, John L., (latest edition), International Marketing, McGraw Hill Irwin.
  • Czinkota, Michael R., Ronkainen, Ilkka A., (latest edition), International Marketing, Thomson/South Western.
  • Related academic Journals:

  • Journal of International Marketing
  • Journal of Global Marketing
  • International Marketing Review
  • Instructor's Notes


    DDr. Damianos Sakas is a Professor at the Agricultural University of Athens. In the […]


    The Department was created in 2019 (article 20, Law 4589/2019) and is an evolution of the Supply Systems Management Department (D.S.E.). Housed in a 770 sq.m. building. within a plot with a total area of 8,000 sq.m. in facilities with extensive research and teaching spaces.
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