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Department of Agribusiness
& Supply Chain Management

5706 - Management Accounting


  • The concept of costing. The costing system.
  • The concept of cost and output. Cost discrimination. The elements of the cost of production.
  • Raw Materials costing and inventory valuation. Direct Labor cost handling. Costing of General Industrial Expenses.
  • Pre-defined G.B.E imputation factor. Under-billing - Over-billing G.B.E.
  • Absorption costing, marginal costing, standard costing and activity based costing.
  • Custom costing. Job costing sheet.
  • Continuous production costing. Equivalent units of production.
  • Budget cost and variance analysis.
  • Breakeven analysis.
  • Quality Management and Measurement
  • Capital investment decisionsSpecial topics
  • Learning results

    The purpose of Management Accounting is to provide useful information to management helping to make the right decisions.

    The course aims to provide students with the foundations for understanding Management Accounting both in theory and in practice by presenting its basic concepts, principles and applications.

    The course material introduces students to the methods and processes of selecting accounting information for business decision-making, emphasizing the costing of products and services.

    On successful completion of the course the student:

    • will have become familiar with costing concepts and terms such as the cost of raw materials, direct labor, industrial overheads and their costing treatment for calculating production and service costs.
    • will know costing techniques such as absorption costing, marginal costing and standard costing. They will have understood the basic principles and features of activity-based costing.
    • They will be able to select and apply management accounting techniques in practical situations.


    Suggested bibliography:

    1. Horngren's Διοικητική Λογιστική, Miller-Nobles T.L., Mattison B.L., Matsumura Ella Mae, Εκδότης: Broken Hill Publishers

    2. Διοικητική Λογιστική, Νεγκάκης Χρήστος, Κουσενίδης Δημήτριος, (Εκδότης): Αειφόρος Λογιστική Μονοπρόσωπη ΙΚΕ

    Related academic journals:

  • Journal of Accounting Research
  • Management Accounting Research
  • Advances in Management Accounting
  • Journal of Management Accounting Research
  • Accounting in Europe
  • Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
  • Faculty

    Assistant Professor of Accounting / Financial Analysis in the Department of Agricultural Business Management […]


    The Department was created in 2019 (article 20, Law 4589/2019) and is an evolution of the Supply Systems Management Department (D.S.E.). Housed in a 770 sq.m. building. within a plot with a total area of 8,000 sq.m. in facilities with extensive research and teaching spaces.
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