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Department of Agribusiness
& Supply Chain Management

5410 - English IV


Thematic Units: 1. Introduction to Agriculture and Agribusiness 2. What are cultures? People and Companies 3. Careers in the Agricultural Sector 4. Introduction to Crop Science (Crop production systems, Agricultural crops and techniques, plant cells, plant tissues, plant pollination, analysis of the structure, function and morphology of roots, shoots, and leaves, photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration) 5. Introduction to Animal Science (Animal Husbandry)(Classification of animal organisms, Basic anatomy of animal organisms, Animal production - cattle farming, sheep and goat farming, pig farming, poultry farming, aquaculture, Animal production - farm animal nutrition and livestock product quality) 6. Introduction to Food Science and Human Nutrition (Main chemical components of food, Food quality and safety, Food technology - Food preservation methods, Food processing) 7. Procurement Logistics 8. Production Logistics 9. Distribution Logistics 10. Disposal Logistics 11. Emergency Logistics 12. Ordering and Scheduling

Grammar and syntax structures • Conditional Sentences • Wishes • Inversion • Prepositional Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns • Revision of tenses (present, past &future)

Skills • Writing and presenting a CV • Speaking Skills • TTanslating Skills • Communication Skills • Listening Skills

Learning results

The scope of the course is to help students to:

-Enhance students' language skills in English, focusing on terminology and expressions related to agriculture, agribusiness, and supply chain management.

-Provide students with the opportunity to understand and analyze contemporary issues in agricultural business management and supply chain systems.

-Communicate effectively in professional environments through presentations, negotiations, and written reports.

-Cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills through case analysis and participation in discussions.

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

-Use specialized terminology related to agriculture, agribusiness, and supply chain management correctly.

-Demonstrate presentation skills capable of conveying their ideas clearly and persuasively to a professional audience.

-Communicate effectively at an international level, understanding the cultural differences that influence business relationships.

General Competences:
-Research, analysis, and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies.
-Adaptation to new situations.
-Decision making.
-Independent work.
-Promotion of free, creative, and inductive thinking.


-Pulses or Pulses? Learn English for Agriculture, Kazamia Vassilia, UNIVERSITY STUDIO PRESS, 2021. -The Earth in a Nutshell. A Coursebook for Specific and Academic Purposes: For Students of Agriculture and Forestry, Zoi Malivitsi, Fotini Perdiki, Athanasios ALTINTZIS Publications, 2018. -English for Agribusiness and Agriculture in Higher Education Studies - Course Book with audio CDs, Robin Matheson, MPESTSIS ANDREAS MARKOS, 2014. -English-Greek Dictionary of Supply Chain Management and Logistics Terms, Dimitrios Xidis, KONTANDARAS PUBLISHING CO., 2022. -City Logistics 1 [electronic resource], Taniguchi, HEAL-Link Wiley UBCM ebooks, 2018.

Instructor's Notes: Students are also provided with texts for study and practice, as well as many graded language exercises for the practice and reinforcement of vocabulary and grammatical-syntactic phenomena.



The Department was created in 2019 (article 20, Law 4589/2019) and is an evolution of the Supply Systems Management Department (D.S.E.). Housed in a 770 sq.m. building. within a plot with a total area of 8,000 sq.m. in facilities with extensive research and teaching spaces.
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