1. Stored-product pests: general aspects and importance. Synergism and associations with biotic and abiotic factors.
2. Primary stored-product insects: morphology, biology, ecology, symptoms, identification of Lepidoptera: Sitotroga cerealella and Coleoptera: Sitophilus oryzae, Sitophilus granarius, Sitophilus zeamais, Rhyzopertha dominica, Prostephanus truncatus, Trogoderma granarium, Acantoscelides obtectus, Bruchus pisorum, Bruchus rufimanus, Bruchus lentis.
3. Secondary stored-product insects: morphology, biology, ecology, symptoms, identification of Lepidoptera: Ephestia kuehniella, Ephestia elutella, Plodia interpunctella, Tinea granella, Psocoptera: Liposcelis bostrychophila, and Coleoptera: Tribolium confusum, Tribolium castaneum, Tenebrio molitor, Tenebroides mauritanicus.
4. Secondary stored-product insects: morphology, biology, ecology, symptoms, identification of Coleoptera: Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Oryzaephilus mercator, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Lasioderma serricorne, Carpophilus hemipterus, Anthrenus spp., and Attagenus spp.
5. Stored-product mites: morphology, biology, ecology, symptoms, identification of Astigmata: Acaridae and Glycyphagidae.
6. Stored-product mites: morphology, biology, ecology, symptoms, identification of Mesostigmata, Prostigmata and Cryptostigmata.
7. Rodents: identification
8. Rodents: biology, damages
9. Pest management: natural (extreme temperatures).
10. Pest management: chemical (fumigants, contact insecticides).
11. Pest management: alternative methods.
12. Pests in urban areas: morphology, biology, ecology, symptoms, identification, management of Dictyoptera, Siphonaptera, Hemiptera, Anoplura, and Psoroptidae.
13. Pests in urban areas: morphology, biology, ecology, symptoms, identification, management of Diptera (Muscidae, Tabanidae, Psychodidae, Sarcophagidae, Simuliidae, Ceratopogonidae, Culicidae), Psoroptidae, Sarcoptidae, Demodicidae, Ixodidae, and Argastidae.
Laboratory exercises
1. Primary stored-product insects: sampling, identification of adults and immatures of Lepidoptera: Sitotroga cerealella και Coleoptera: Sitophilus oryzae, Sitophilus
granarius, Sitophilus zeamais.
2. Primary stored-product insects: sampling, identification of adults and immatures of Coleoptera: Rhyzopertha dominica, Prostephanus truncatus, Trogoderma granarium, Acantoscelides obtectus, Bruchus pisorum, Bruchus rufimanus, Bruchus lentis.
3. Secondary stored-product insects: sampling, identification of adults and immatures of Lepidoptera: Ephestia kuehniella, Ephestia elutella, Plodia interpunctella, Tinea granella και Psocoptera: Liposcelis bostrychophila.
4. Secondary stored-product insects: sampling, identification of adults and immatures of Coleoptera: Tribolium confusum, Tribolium castaneum, Tenebrio molitor, Tenebroides mauritanicus.
5. Secondary stored-product insects: sampling, identification of adults and immatures of Coleoptera: Oryzaephilus mercator, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Lasioderma serricorne, Carpophilus hemipterus, Anthrenus spp., Attagenus spp.
6. Collection of mites from samples of stored products.
7. Identification of major genera and species of stored-product mites (Astigmata: Acaridae, Glycyphagidae).
8. 8. Identification of major genera and species of stored-product mites (Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Cryptostigmata).
9. Rodents: identification of species and infestations.
10. Chemical management (conduct insecticides, fumigants).
11. Devices for sampling and/ or management of stored-product insects.
12. Identification of major insect species in urban areas: Dictyoptera, Siphonaptera, Hemiptera, Anoplura, and Psoroptidae.
13. Identification of major insect and mite species in urban areas: Diptera (Muscidae, Tabanidae, Psychodidae, Sarcophagidae, Simuliidae, Ceratopogonidae, Culicidae), Psoroptidae, Sarcoptidae, Demodicidae, Ixodidae, Argastidae.
A combination of teaching and learning methods will be used, aiming at the active participation of the students and the practical application of the thematic units under examination; there will also be lectures using audiovisual media, discussions, and analyses of case studies on real business issues, experiential (group) activities, as well as projections of relevant videos. The students will also undertake an individual or group project. Furthermore, articles, audiovisual lecture materials, web links/addresses, useful information, case studies and exercises for further practice are posted in digital form on the AUA Open e-Class platform.
The aim of the course is:
• The knowledge on the symptoms that are caused to the stored products, the ability to examine stored products and decide about the severity of any infection that is related to insects, mites and rodents.
• Pest management.
• The knowledge on pest of urban environment.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student:
General Competences:
Adapting to new situations Decision-making
Working independently Teamwork
Working in an international environment
Working in an interdisciplinary environment
Production of new research ideas Teamwork Project planning and management
Respect for difference and multiculturalism Respect for the natural environment
Showing social, professional, and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues Criticism and self-criticism
Production of free, creative and inductive thinking
Suggested Bibliography in Greek Language:
• Σταμόπουλος, Δ., 2013. Εχθροί Αποθηκευμένων Προϊόντων, Μουσείων και Κατοικιών, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Θεσσαλίας, Βόλος.
• Δίπτερα υγειονοµικής σηµασίας, 1999, Ν. Γ. Εµµανουήλ
• Έντοµα αποθηκευµένων γεωργικών προϊόντων και τροφίµων, 1996, Κ. Θ. Μπουχέλος
• Τζανακάκης, Μ., 1995. Εντομολογία. University Studio Press, Θεσσαλονίκη.
Suggested Bibliography in English Language:
• Hagstrum, D.W., Phillips, T.W., Cuperus, G. (Eds.) 2012. Stored Product Protection. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, pp. 297-304.
• Hubert, J., 2012. The pest importance of stored product mites (Acari: Acaridida). Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York.
• Begall, S., Burda, H., Schleich, C.E. (Eds.), 2007. Subterranean rodents. News from underground. Springer, Berlin.
• Hill, D.S., 2003. Pests of storage foodstuffs and their control. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, NY.
Related academic Journals:
• Acta Tropica
• International Journal of Mosquito Research
• Journal of Stored Products Research
• Journal of Insect Science
• Journal of Economic Entomology
• Entomologia Generalis
• Insects
• Crop Protection
• Journal of Pest Science
• Pest Management Science
• Journal of Food Protection
• Journal of Applied Entomology
• Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
• Bulletin of Entomological Research
• ZooKeys
• Zootaxa
• International Journal of Acarology
• Experimental and Applied Acarology
Instructor's Notes