The aim of the course is:
to acquire knowledge about the theoretical and applied knowledge of business floriculture. General principles are given regarding the effect of environmental conditions, with emphasis on photoperiodization and temperature, the physiology of growth and development (flowering, fruiting, formation of underground storage organs) of floricultural species. An analysis of basic elements of construction and management of greenhouses is made. Methods of cultivation of the main floricultural species are developed, with the aim of producing propagating material, cut flowers and foliages, as well as container plants. The required environmental conditions, cultivation techniques, phytoregulatory substances, methods of harvesting, sorting, preservation, storage, standardization, processing (drying), handling and marketing of Rose, Chrysanthemum, Carnation, Gerbera, Lilium, Azalea, Cyclamen and Gardenia plants are analyzed. These crops have been selected based on their economic importance in the international and Greek market, but also as standard crops for other floricultural species with similar characteristics and related cultivation requirements.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
● acquire general knowledge of applied physiology and cultivation techniques that mainly concern the cultivation of under cover floricultural species
● acquire special knowledge related to the cultivation on a business scale of the most economically important for the country, crops, floricultural items, with the aim of producing propagating material, cut flowers and container plants.
General Competences:
Adapting to new situations
Working independently
Respect for the natural environment
Showing social, professional, and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues
Criticism and self-criticism
Production of free, creative and inductive thinking