AgroSense: Multisource and Multiscale Remote and Proximal Sensing for Integrated Crop Management, YieldAssessment and Agricultural Sustainability (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, Basic Research Financing, National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Project Number: 016476)

17-11-2023 έως 16-11-2025

The AgroSense project's overarching idea focuses on agricultural land and agricultural resources integrated monitoring and management through the synergistic use of advanced remote and proximal sensors, which would assist in the digital transformation of crop production to achieve optimum crop yield and quality in a sustainable agricultural environment. The project will develop an extensive, diverse, and modern agro-technological platform that will provide the appropriate correlation of remote and proximal sensing data. It aims to cover both ends of the scale relevant to food production, precision farming, and the perspective of sustainable agriculture by developing advanced and new farm capacities that help the intensive farm sector optimize their external inputs, with the vision of fair economic competitiveness.
AgroSense seeks to deliver the integrated observation of agricultural land conditions and practices, on a local and regional scale, using annual (cotton and wheat) and perennial (vineyard) crops in the well-organized farms of the Agricultural University of Athens (Spata and Kopaida) targeting to yield growth and farmer’s income improvement through the appropriate surveillance of crop, water, soil, and fertilizer -agrochemical inputs control. The project will provide elements of innovation, necessary for the adoption of innovation in Greek reality (including Climate change parameters) and focuses mainly on the following:

  • Integrated solution that combines modern Remote and Proximal sensors and technologies, valid data, and scientific
    knowledge, through a state-of-the-art platform.
  • Modular and adaptable methodology that can cover the significantly different needs of different user groups (producers,
    agricultural advisors, researchers, businesses, etc.) and the development of different applications.
  • Personalized consulting according to the needs of each crop, taking into account its particularities and the characteristics of
    each local and regional area.

Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος

Τηλεπισκόπηση (Τηλεανίχνευση) στις Γεωλογικές & Γεωπονικές Επιστήμες


Το Τμήμα ανήκει στη Σχολή Περιβάλλοντος και Γεωργικής Μηχανικής και χορηγεί ενιαίο πτυχίο Γεωπόνου (Integrated Master – Βαθμίδα 7 του Εθνικού και Ευρωπαϊκού Πλαισίου Προσόντων) με ειδίκευση στην Αξιοποίηση των Φυσικών Πόρων και τη Γεωργική Μηχανική.
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