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Georgios Tsapogas

Georgios Tsapogas

Brief Curriculum Vitae

Professor of Mathematics

Research Interests: Geometric Topology, Hyperbolic Geometry, Metric Geometry

Selected Publications

  1. On the K-theory of Crystallographic groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Volume 347, No 8 (1995), pp. 2781-2794.
  2. Approximation of recurrence in negatively curved metric spaces, with Ch. Charitos, Pacific J. Math., Vol. 195, No 1 (2000) pp. 67-79.
  3. Topological mixing in CAT(-1)-spaces, with Ch. Charitos, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 354, No 1 (2001) pp. 235-264.
  4. The geometry of Euclidean surfaces with conical singularities, with Ch. Charitos and I. Papadoperakis, Math. Z. Vol. 284, Issue 3 (2016) pp.1073--1087.
  5. On the geodesic flow on CAT(0) spaces, with Ch. Charitos and I. Papadoperakis, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (to appear) DOI:


  1. Dean (2010–2014) School of Sciences, University of the Aegean
  2. Head (2005–2009) Department of Mathematics, University of the Aegean
  3. Board member (2012–2018), Property Development and Managing Co. of the University of the Aegean
  4. Director (2023- ) Laboratory of Mathematics, Agricultural University of Athens
Georgios Tsapogas
+30 210 5294116


The Department belongs to the newly established School of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering and grants a single degree in Agriculture (Integrated Master – Level 7 of the National and European Qualifications Framework) with specialization in Natural Resource Utilization and Agricultural Engineering
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