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Dimitrios Loukatos

Dimitrios Loukatos

Brief Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Dimitrios Loukatos received the diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering and the PhD. degree in Telecommunications and Computer Systems, both from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece. He currently is Laboratory Teaching Staff member of the Laboratory of Farm Machine Systems at the Dept. of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering of the Agricultural University of Athens. Dr. Loukatos is mainly focused on the subject of Cyber-Physical Systems and Intelligent Infrastructures in Agriculture and thus he participates in the teaching of a series of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level in the areas of electronics, automatic control, advanced sensing, acting and networking devices, robotics, computing and intelligent systems for agricultural applications. Dr. Loukatos has worked as a research associate for the NTUA and for the National Centre for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’. He also worked for the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens, and for technology companies. His contribution fells in the area of programming, embedded systems, process optimization, networking, robotics, human-machine interaction, artificial intelligence, physical computing, project planning and implementation. In parallel, Dr. Loukatos has more than 25 years of cumulative teaching experience (in secondary, vocational, adult and higher education). His research and educational work have been published in many national and international scientific conference proceedings, book chapters and journals, 94 total publications up to 2/2025 (source google scholar), and has also served as a scientific committee member, reviewer and/or editor in research conferences, journals and book volumes. This cumulative work has been referenced 858 times up to 2/2025 (source google scholar).

Dimitrios Loukatos


The Department belongs to the newly established School of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering and grants a single degree in Agriculture (Integrated Master – Level 7 of the National and European Qualifications Framework) with specialization in Natural Resource Utilization and Agricultural Engineering
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