Dr. Konstantinos G. Arvanitis received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the National Technical University of Athens, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in 1986 and 1994, respectively. After receiving his Ph.D. degree, he served several research and teaching positions in the National Technical University of Athens, in the Hellenic Naval Academy and in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He currently serves as a Professor of “Automation in Agriculture” in Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering, Laboratory of Farm Machine Systems, where he teaches various courses relevant to his expertise in the fields of Automation and Digital Technologies. In the context of his academic activities, he has guided the preparation of more than 70 undergraduate theses and supervised 9 successfully completed postgraduate theses (MSc) and 2 doctoral theses (PhD). He is currently the supervisor of 6 ongoing doctoral theses, while at the same time he has served as a member of threepartite advisory committees in over 20 successfully completed postgraduate theses and in over 10 doctoral theses. He served as Head/ Deputy Head of the Section of Farm Structures and Farm Machinery (2013-2016, 2018-2019/2016-2017). He was (2000-2017) a member of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Committee on Control in Agriculture. He is, currently, a member of the European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng) and of the European Federation of National Association of Engineers (FEANI), and a member of the Board of Directors of the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (http://wseas.org/cms. action?id=2001). He participated in 5 European and 22 domestic research and development projects. He published 342 technical papers in international/national books (25/1), refereed international scientific journals (128) and international/national conferences (159/29). He served (2009-2013) as a member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal “Computers and Electronics in Agriculture”. He currently serves as He is currently Associate Editor of the international scientific journal “WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education”, member of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journals “Instruments”, “Inventions”, “Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences”, Editor-in-Chief of the international scientific journal “International Journal of Agricultural Science”, and as Guest Editor in 17 Special Issues, in the international scientific journals, Sensors, Sustainability, Instruments, Symmetry, Energies, Micromachines, Robotics, Inventions, in the subjects of his scientific interests.; He participated in the Scientific and/or Program Committees of 80 international scientific conferences and in the Scientific/Organizing Committees of 20 national scientific conferences. He also served as Chairman in scientific sections of several international scientific conferences. He is an active reviewer in several international scientific journals (130), book series (2) and scientific conferences, His research work has received significant international recognition (6322 citations, h-index=39, g-index=75). Specifically, it has received: (a) in the Web of Science database: 2343 citations with an h-index of 26, (b) in the Scopus database: 3294 citations with an h-index of 31, and (c) in the Scholar database: 5020 citations with an h-index of 38. His main research interests are: Electrification, Automation and Digitalalization in Agriculture, Advanced Process Control, Sensors and Wireless Sensor Networks, ICT and Artificial Intelligence Applications in Agriculture, Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Optimization Techniques nd Computstionsl Intelligence, Data Analytics and Machine Learning, Precision Farming Systems, SCADA Systems, Decision Support Systems, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems. Energy Management and Control of Autonomous Micro-Grids, Desalination Installations and Elecric Vehicles. Internet of Things and Edge/Cloud Computing. Risk Management Assessment as well as Education 4.0 in the Context of Agriculture 4.0.