Laboratory of Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics
Director: Prof. G. Tsapogas
Tel.: +30 210 529 4118
The laboratory of Mathematics is one of the oldest laboratories in the institution. Its foundation coincides with the foundation of the University (11 March 1920).
The Laboratory aims in educating the students of the Agricultural University of Athens in the fields of Mathematics and Statistics, as well as providing consulting to members of the University in various subjects related to Mathematics.
The mathematical areas covered by the Laboratory are:
Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Elementary Geometry, Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, Computational Mathematics, Probability, Statistics.
The research interests of the members of Laboratory include: Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, Topology, Dynamical Systems, Computational Algebra, Computer Aided Geometric Design.
In the undergraduate level, The Laboratory offers a basic course in mathematics to freshmen of the University, which consists of Calculus and Linear Algebra. In addition, the following courses are offered to the students of the Department of Natural Resources Management & Agricultural Engineering: Differential Equations, Vector Calculus, Complex Analysis and Topics in Applied Mathematics.
The Laboratory participates in the graduate program of the Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering, as well as in the graduate program of the Department of Biotechnology offering courses on Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.
Laboratory of Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics