Sector of Water Resourses
The Division of Water Resources consists of the Laboratory of Agricultural Hydraulics and the Laboratory of Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics. In Greece, agriculture has the largest use of water with approximately 85% of the total average annual consumption followed by the Urban (12%) and industrial use (3%). The Water resources Division has as central objective the sustainable use of water resources to deal with society and economy. In this context. The graduates are equipped with the necessary knowledge and techniques for addressing problems related to the development, design and sustainability of water resources with the simultaneous protection of the environment, as well as with the related issues of environmental engineering.
In more detail the division offers research and knowledge that include: soil physics, environmental hydrology, environment and climate, irrigation and drainage, land works and Irrigation engineering, fluid mechanics and applied hydraulics, bioclimatology-micrometeorology, surface hydrology and groundwater, water resources management, water recycling and reuse, erosion and desertification mitigation, integrated river basin management, flood and drought management, water quality and its protection especially in islands and coastal aquifers, management of desalination systems, etc. Tools such as geographic information Systems (GIS), decision support Systems (DSS), and remote sensing, are used extensively both at coursework and research level.
The Agricultural Hydraulics Laboratory belonging to the sector has been continuously offered services, since founded in 1920, at the Agricultural University of Athens. The international research of the Division is particularly intense and is among the first of the University. Mathematics and, in particular, Applied Mathematics consist a basic tool when dealing with scientific problems arising in the subject areas of the Division of Water Resources and generally in all the Universities’ Departments.
The Lab of Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics Laboratory provides the necessary knowledge to students in order to understand some fundamental notions of mathematics. Practical and physical problems through mathematics are modeled solved. Linear Algebra (especially Matrices), Calculus, Differential Equations (Ordinary or Partial), Complex analysis play an essential role in understanding courses which are taught in our Department such as Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics, Soil Physics and Thermodynamics. Additionally, similar services are provided for all the University.